Chapter 43

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I wake up really early because I need to pee. I am definitely slightly hungover. Lila is still sleeping so I take a quick shower. I throw on some capri leggings and a big hoodie and go downstairs. As I get to the kitchen I hear Marian arrive to take care of Lila.

"Good morning, Jessica!" she says cheerfully from the foyer. "How was Halloween? And your birthday?"

I show her pics on my phone and she oohs and ahs over them. I tell her I had a few drinks, so Delilah will be taking a bottle this morning after her rice cereal instead of me feeding her.

I then go to make coffee since I desperately need some and see I am out. Fuck. Of all mornings.

I technically don't start work for 90 minutes.

"Hey, Marian," I say, "I am going to the coffee shop to get a coffee and some pods for the coffee maker. Do you want anything?"

"You know I hate coffee," she says as she makes a face. "But thanks!"

It's unusually warm so I don't need a coat. I put on my Nikes and walk towards the coffee shop. I go out of my way to avoid the street Shawn lives on. I am not taking any chances.

The coffee shop is crowded with people getting their caffeine fix before they get on the subway to head to work. I get at the back of the long line. Soon someone is behind me, as the line keeps growing.

I finally make it to the barista who takes the orders. "I'd like a large bold coffee with cream and sugar and two of the caramel coffee pod packs, please."

The barista asks my name for the coffee and I give it to her.

"Jessica?" I hear from right behind me.

Fuck. FUCK.

I turn towards the person who obviously knows who I am. I know who it is, too, before I even see him. His voice is the same.

"Shawn!" I say with what I hope comes across as a genuine smile. I am literally shaking in my shoes.

"Jesus, I can't believe it's you!" he says. He steps closer like maybe he wants to hug me, but then thinks better of it and stays where he is.

I step aside and he places his order. Large black coffee. He then joins me in the crowd of people waiting for their orders.

"You live in Brooklyn?" he asks.

"I moved into Nana's," I say.

"I thought that her place was somewhere near here. I just moved here a few months ago."

I smile. "I remember you telling your mom you wanted to live in Brooklyn one day. How is your family?"

"They are great. Aaliyah is in college so my mom is freaking out that both her kids are gone."

I laugh. "I can see that killing her."

"Can you sit for a bit so we can catch up?" he asks.

I definitely have the time. I have mixed feelings about this, but he's looking at me so hopefully that I nod yes.

We find a table once we both have our coffees.

"What have you been up to the last few years?" he asks.

"I finished school, moved here, got a job," I say. I know I should mention Lila, but I just can't bring myself to do it.

"Do you work in Brooklyn?"

"Kind of. I work from home."

"Nice," he says, smiling broadly at me. "You look fantastic. Beautiful."

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