"Happy Halloween!" Kendra says.

Shawn stands up so he can get a better look at the babies.

"Mario and Luigi! These are the best costumes I have seen all night!" he says happily. "Hey guys! Do you want some candy?" he crouches and asks the babies who both just laugh at him.

He looks up at me and Kendra. "Nice masks." I feel relief that there is no flicker of recognition.

"Thanks," Kendra says as she holds out Jay's bucket. "Do you have chocolate? It's his favorite."

Shawn gives her a skeptical look. "Why do I think this candy is for the mommies?"

Kendra shrugs and turns to me. I'm paralyzed with fear that she is going to say my name. "Mommies need candy, too, right?"

I just nod.

Shawn tosses a couple Twix bars in Jayson's bucket and turns to me. Kendra nudges me, and I realize I need to hold Lila's pumpkin bucket up, too.

"This is my first Halloween here," Shawn says. "It's a lot of fun."

"Bay Ridge loves Halloween," Kendra says.

Jay starts fussing so she leans over, takes off her mask, gives him some kisses, and readjusts his costume since it was bunching up. I try not to stare at Shawn, but it's hard. I wish he wasn't in costume because I can't really make out his face.

"This might sound crazy, and feel free to say no, but I have been putting Halloween pictures on my Instagram story. Can I take one of your babies? Their costumes are honestly the best."

Kendra laughs. "Sure, no prob."

She turns to me and I just nod. Again.

Kendra and I step behind Shawn so that we're not in the picture, and since her mask is already off, she makes funny noises and faces to get the babies to smile while he takes the photo. He quickly takes it and shows it to us for our approval.

Kendra and I both nod that it's great.

"Posted," he says.

"Have a great night," Kendra says as she gets back behind the stroller.

"Same to you," Shawn says and then he bends down and waves to the babies.

We're a couple houses away when Kendra turns to me, her mask still off, her face questioning. "What the fuck was wrong with you back there? I have never seen you so silent and awkward!"

"Keep walking," I say under my breath.

When I feel we are out of range for Shawn to hear or see us clearly, I take off my mask.

"That was Shawn!" I say.

She turns around and looks at him, and I do, too. He's giving candy to a small group of kids.

"Damn, Jess. He lives pretty close by."

"I see that. Oh my god that was so weird," I say.

"The only weird thing was you," she says. "You totally missed your opportunity to say hello and reconnect!"

We stop at the next house and do the trick-or-treat routine.

"I know. But I have Lila with me, and I feel strange about explaining her to him. I don't know how I feel about him knowing I am a mom."

"Come on, you are totally a—"

"If you say MILF I will take that bucket full of chocolate candy and drop it in the gutter," I warn her.

She rolls her eyes. "Now that you know where he lives, you should start jogging by his house each day."

"I don't jog."

"But you could start!"

It's my turn to roll my eyes. "I will be avoiding this block from now on."

We keep walking, stopping at each house that is giving out candy. Half an hour later we are back home. Both babies have fallen asleep in the stroller. Kendra takes Jay inside and hands him off to Mike, who ran out of candy just before we got there. We agree she will come over in 30 minutes. I take Lila in, change her, nurse her, and put her down in the crib. I put on pajamas and go downstairs right as Kendra is knocking at the door. She has a bottle of bourbon in her hand.

"If you are really drinking for first time in 19 months, we are doing it right."

We make bourbon and cokes and I open the presents I've received. My parents got me a lovely Coach purse, wallet, and key fob set. Elsie sent me a nice frame. My house is full of photos of Lila so her gift will be put to use immediately. Kendra gives me a generous gift certificate to my favorite coffee shop which is a couple blocks away.

After two drinks I am seriously tipsy.

"Go on Instagram and see if Shawn really did post the picture," I tell Kendra.

She does it and sure enough, the picture is there in his story, along with a boomerang selfie of him in costume, a picture of his street with a bunch of kids out in costume, and a picture of a cool carved pumpkin.

"Search #shawnmendes to see what his fans are saying," I say.

There are multiple reposts of his story under that hashtag, many including the one of the babies.

"I knew that would happen," I say with a sigh. "Not that it matters. No one knows who the babies are."

Kendra goes into the kitchen to make us a third drink. I get my purse and retrieve my phone. I want to see what David, the grandparents, and Elsie have to say about the pictures I sent them earlier tonight.

Both sets of grandparents love the pics. Of course. David says he feels bad he wasn't there, but I know he's out at a bar with his girlfriend and only regrets missing it a tiny bit. Elsie has sent me multiple texts. She starts out gushing about the costumes. She then sent a bunch of texts about Shawn's Instagram post. I guess that even if she isn't the fangirl she once was, she still saw it.

Elsie: Jessie! Why did Shawn post a pic of Lila on his story?

Elsie: Are you guys talking again?

Elsie: Why didn't you call me?

I give her a quick call. I can hear that she's at a party, so I wait as she goes someplace quieter. I explain what happened, and she's annoyed at me for not telling him it was me. I tell her I will call her tomorrow and that she needs to be safe tonight.

After my fourth drink I am practically falling asleep. Kendra and I have talked the Shawn situation to death, so she goes home. I go up to bed and am asleep before my head hits the pillow.

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