Life In Paradise (Demi Lovato)

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Heys guys it's been awhile sorry, but I'm back from holidays now, I'll try to update as soon as I can. :)



Chapter 20

Samaras POV:

It had been a couple of days since demi proposed and Marissa arrived. We had been hanging out and watching movies or going to the beach to spend our time.

The last few days have been great, I get to hang out with the love of my life, so to be fiancé and my brother who loves me even despite the fact I'm getting married as soon as I turn 18.

Even having Marissa around has been great Iv gotten to know her and found out she is actually pretty awesome, we get along great. Although there was the first time we were alone and she threaten to kill me if I even hurt demi. But what could I except she was Demi's best friend.

We were all currently down at the beach lounging in the sun and swimming in the water.
I was laying on my towel tanning my body, even though everyone says I don't need to tan anymore I still do it.

Elijah is laying next to me watching as demi and Marissa play in the water.

"Dam, she's hot!" Elijah States.

"Hey, back of she's mine" I reply.

"I'm not talking about demi dummy, I'm talking about Marissa."

"Aww god can you not keep it in your pants for 5 minutes, seriously." I say shaking my head.

"What I'm just saying" he smirks.

"Oh god" I mumble more to my self then anyone else. I hit him before sitting up to look at the water.

I feel my body tense up as I see demi ad Marissa talking to some random topless boys on the beach.
One of the dudes is totally flirting with demi, I feel my stomach getting knotted up as I feel my inside twisting.

In really not good with jealousy, especially when it has to do with demi. She's just so beautiful that she could have anyone she wanted, I sometimes wonder why she chose to be with me. I'm nothing special and there are defiantly prettier people out there.

One time back when demi and I weren't dating and I had known her for about 2 weeks. I saw her on the beach talking with some girls and I got jealous even though we weren't together, I actually didn't even know she's was gay then, but I still reacted badly.

I think Eli noticed my jealously because he put his hand over mine and gave me a reassuring squeeze.

"Don't worry lil sis, she's madly In love with you." He says.

"That doesn't help at all, that dudes totally flirting with her and touching her arm. She's not even doing anything about it." I say sadly.

"She probably doesn't even notice or doesn't want to be rude."

"Yeah.... , I'm going to go lie down I'm not feeling well." I reply before standing up and heading inside.

I walk upstairs and lie on my bed, I hate feeling this way, I do trust demi. I just hate seeing her with other people.

I drift into a sleep about 10 Minutes after I lied down.

Marrissa's POV:

Demi and I were splashing around in the water like 5 year olds, this is nothing different though, we always acted like this.

I didn't even realise there was anyone behind me until they spoke.

"Hey." One of them spoke.

"Shit." I half shouted while jumping, that scared the shit out of me.

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