Night patrol

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Ladybug found herself waiting on the top of the Eiffel Tower. Since a lot more akuma attacks had been happening at night she thought it might be better to do some patrolling around the streets of Paris. She couldn't leave without cat noir though.

Ladybug sat down before trying to call cat noir again. Once again he didn't pick up. Soon ladybug found herself drifting off in the warm summer breeze.

"M'lady?" Ladybug awoke with a start and quickly looked at herself. She had de-transformed while she was asleep. She saw cat but his back was turned.

"D-did you see who I am?" Marinette whispered. Cat shook his head.

"I saw a flash of light and knew you had de-transformed. As much as I want to know who you are I respect that you want your identity a secret" he whispered. Marinette reached into her purse and pulled out three cookies. She handed one to tiki.

"Cat would you like a cookie?" She saw him nod eagerly and laughed at him.

"Ok then close your eyes and open your mouth" he did as he was told and when tiki gave her the nod saying he had Marinette walked over to him and put the cookie in his mouth.

Cat instantly recognised them as the ones from the dupain-Cheng bakery.

"These are from the dupain-Cheng bakery aren't they" he asked.

"Yeah my friends parents own it-" Marinette stopped. That gave away her age if cat knew who owned it. Cat frowned to himself.

"I'm sorry bugaboo but are you Alya?" He asked carefully. He heard ladybug let out a sigh of relief. She didn't respond.

"Tiki spots on!" He heard and a blinding flash of pink surrounded him. He guessed it was safe to turn once it died down.

"I'm sorry cat but I'm tired and you came late. Maybe we should do this next week" ladybug said. Cat just nodded his head and looked down. Ladybug sighed in defeat before whispering in his ear.

"She was lady wifi" before turning and jumping away.

An uneventful week passed with very little need to turn into ladybug. Marinette was starting to worry though.

"Tiki I gave him my age! What am I going to do?" Marinette whined.

"You didn't give him your age. You thought he wouldn't know who owned the bakery. It isn't your fault Marinette. It is ok if he finds out but it is your choice as to when he finds out"Tiki said.

"Who says I will ever tell him" Marinette said looking up.

"He's your partner. He will either work it out or you will trust him enough. I hope it is the latter though" tiki said. Marinette groaned and rolled off her bed. Just before falling down the ladder she stood up and walked out onto her balcony. She climbed over the chimney and sat next to the signal post. She had her balcony but anyone below could see her but here only people above could see her. Here she could have her space. Marinette yawned and felt tiki land on her shoulder before she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Adrien dropped his pen down in frustration. He couldn't get his mind of ladybug. The way she had whispered to him made him blush at the thought.

"Your not think about her again are you?" Plagg said.

"I can't help it. I love her. She is sweet, kind, strong, brave, funny, beautiful. There is nothing to dislike about her" Adrien said dreamily. Plagg just groaned.

"Don't make me lose my appetite" he exclaimed and before he stuffed his slice of Camembert into his mouth Adrien called "plagg claws out!" 

Cat noir jumped out of his window and flew over rooftops. Cat thought that he would enjoy himself before meeting up with his lady. He came to a halt when he heard sobbing. He looked down and saw Marinette lying on the concrete. He landed next to her and saw a small red flash, but it was gone as quickly as it came.

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