A Letter

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That's how it always begins is it not? A letter from Hogwarts saying, hey you're a wizard and you've been accepted into our school. Come at this date cause that's when it all starts. No questions? Cool, here's a list of supplies you need. Off to Diagon Alley, we go!

Well, yeah that's how Harry found he was a wizard. He also had questions, but since his parents were dead he couldn't ask them. How unfortunate.

Luckily here comes Hagird to save the day! Good old Hagrid.

That's also how it started for Hermione and Ron and many others I don't care to name at the moment.

The point is this story starts with a letter and so did many others. Now we start the story. Let's go!

Ha, I'm an alumnus of Hogwarts even though I'm kinda young

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Ha, I'm an alumnus of Hogwarts even though I'm kinda young. But still!!!!!!

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