Part 28

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Sorcha liked Rhoscolyn. It was close to the sea, or the deep as Zarr liked to call it. There wasn't a whole lot to do, but Sorcha didn't mind. Wales was similar enough to Scotland that it felt familiar to her.

The days were filled with intelligent conversation. Sorcha learned so much about her father and his family. It finally felt as if the missing part of Sorcha was full. Ella blossomed even more within the Hughes house. They took her as if she was one of their own. It warmed Sorcha's heart because she knew of Ella's fear that she would be forgotten.

"Hey sis! What are you doing out here all by yourself?"

The shout caused Sorcha to turn and see which brother was shouting at her. She had to shade her hand against the sun. The wind tossed Tyce's or Taren's hair. Sorcha wasn't sure which one it was not unless they took pity on her and told them which one they were.

"I felt the urge to feel the ocean about my calves."

Tyce or Taren nodded as they drew parallel with Sorcha. They stayed well enough away from the water's edge. Sorcha raised an eyebrow at that, but decided not to ask. She walked back up the shore and shivered as the wind blew against her wet legs.

"What's up?"

Her brother shrugged. "Tyce and I have noticed that something has been bothering you and family. We'd like to help if we can."

'Shoot." Sorcha thought mentally. She had sworn Tyce had been the one standing before her.

"I don't know if I want your help. Not in this."

Taren crossed his arms and scowled at her. "You are our sister."

'Yes, but I am the eldest." Sorcha pointed out.

Taren rolled his eyes. "You may be the eldest, but you are still my sister. The Hughes men take care of their women."

"You don't need to be caught up in our plan Taren. It would be real shitty of me if I drug you all into this."

Taren's stance shifted into a more defensive stance. "Try me."

Sorcha brushed hair out of her face as she studied her brother. He was handsome and Sorcha could see the family resemblance between them. Sorcha's finger began twisting a spare piece of hair as she chewed on her lip lost in thought. Bradley had broached the subject of letting the Hughes family know what was going on. Calleach had shot that down, but then turned around and said that it was up to Sorcha if she told them about their plans.

"Where's Charles at?"

"Father." Taren stressed the word. "Is helping Mother in the garden."

"It seems about time for some warm tea. We can talk over tea and biscuits."

"Now you're talking." Taren unfolded his arms and grinned disarmingly at Sorcha his dimples winking at her. "When Neued was little Tyce, Wendelin, and I would take turns carrying Neued on our backs. She was too little to keep up with us boys so we would carry her. Would you like me to give you a piggy back ride back to the house?"

A girlish giggle escaped Sorcha one which she tried to cover behind her hand. "I haven't had a piggy back ride since I was at least twelve. My cousins quit when I got too big."

Taren grinned at her before he turned his back on her. "Hop on," Taren said as he looked back over his shoulder at her.

Sorcha slipped her socks and shoes back on before she walked up to her brother. He bent his knees so that she could reach his shoulders a little easier. Taren's shoulders felt muscular underneath Sorcha's hands. Sorcha jumped up as high as she could and wrapped her legs around her brother's waist. Taren grabbed her legs and did a little hop, settling her weight more evenly on his back.

Taren flashed Sorcha his dimples as he took off up the hill at a light jog. Taren laughed as he ran. Sorcha surprised both of them by kissing him on the cheek. The tips of Taren's ears turned red which caused Sorcha to giggle.

"Hold on sis!" Taren shouted. "We're going to race the wind!"

Sorcha squealed and held on tight as Taren broke out into a dead run. They were both laughing and breathing hard as they reached the house. Sorcha was sore from the ride and she was sure that Taren was as well.

Charles and Isolde were waiting for them as they came around the corner of the house. Both wore smiles as if they were happy that Sorcha and Taren were getting along. Taren grabbed Sorcha by the arm and pulled her up to their parents.

"Sorcha has something that she wants our opinion on."

Charles nodded and Isolde looked relieved. "Go and get some tea brewing." Isolde said. "It'll give your father and I enough time to finish tending to the garden."

"Race you to the house!" Taren shouted surprising Sorcha.

"Hey!" Sorcha shouted at his retreating back as she took off after him. "That's not fair Taren."

Taren turned around backwards and stuck his tongue out at her. Sorcha put on a burst of speed. Taren's eyes widened before he turned around and really started to run. Sorcha caught a hold of his shirt just as Taren reached the house. Neued stood there with wide eyes before she jumped up and down. She clapped her hands excitedly.

"Finally, someone who can run as fast as Taren. We'll have a lot of fun playing tag."

"You still play tag," Sorcha panted between each word.

Neued gave her a engaging smile. "It's one of our favorite games. Hide and seek never worked. Not enough places to hide. So we play tag."

"Come on." Taren told his sister. "We need to put the kettle on and gather the others for a meeting."

Neued rolled her eyes at her brother. "Don't be so bossy."

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