Part 22

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"How's Calleach doing?" Zefora asked two weeks after Cal's funeral

Sorcha was sitting in front of the giant fireplace in the library with her sister, cousins, and the Sinclair boys drinking tea. Sorcha put down her tea. The look she gave the others didn't bode well.

"Not good. He's still mourning the loss of a man who treated him like a son. Calleach inherited the whole estate and all Cal's assets. It's a lot to deal with at once."

"I bet." Replied Beau as he shifted in his seat. "It's hard to deal with the death of a loved one by itself. I'd hate to be in Calleach shoes with having to take over an entire estate."

"Is his family helping?"

"As much as they can Bishop."

"Is there anything we can do to help?" Barron asked as he cast a glare at his brother.

"I don't know." Sorcha said on a sigh. "Just treat him like normal. Get him away from his grief for a while. I'm trying, but I'm not having much luck."

Barron looked at his brother and cousin. "I'm sure that the three of us can figure out a manly thing to do with Calleach."

"What about some Highland games?" Zefora offered.

Seven pairs of eyes turned to stare at Zefora.

Zefora frowned at them. "What?" She asked defensively. "The games can be between the boys and any of the staff that want to participate. Hell, Calleach's family can participate too for all I can. Sorcha and I can act as cheerleaders."

A thoughtful look entered Sorcha's lavender colored eyes. "That's actually a good idea. Calleach was just commenting several weeks ago about the Highland games."

"The boys and I will take care of everything," Beau said as he climbed to his feet.

The other guys mumbled in agreement as they gained their feet. Zefora, Ella, and Sorcha watched the men file out of the library. They looked at each other before they started laughing.

"We might as well get started on whatever it is that we're going to do." Sorcha commented as she slid from her seat.

"What exactly are we going to do?" Ella questioned.

"Take care of the food and drink of course," said Zefora as they followed after the boys. "You can't have Highland games without those two particular items."

Ella started polishing her palms excited. "I do look forward to parties."

"This isn't a party." Sorcha reminded her sister.

"Of course it is. Everyone comes together to eat, drink, and be merry. That is exactly what a party is."

Sorcha rolled her eyes at Ella.

Zefora laughed before she linked arms with her cousins. "Let's go see what food the cook thinks would go with the games shall we."

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