Part 19

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Music filled the ballroom as Calleach spun Sorcha about the dance floor. Other couples danced to the traditional Scottish music that Calleach's family favored. Sorcha was amazed that even the children enjoyed dancing to the sound of bagpipes. The music ended with Calleach kissing Sorcha's hand.

Sorcha giggled and grabbed her skirt to do an impromptu curtsy. Calleach grinned at her as he stood up. Cal appeared behind Calleach and tapped him on the shoulder. Calleach turned and smiled at his uncle.

"Can I cut in?"

Calleach's grin widened as he stepped aside. "Be my guest Uncle."

Srocha giggled even harder as Cal copied Calleach and kissed her hand. He kept a light hold of it as they began dacing a reel. Calleach watched from the sidelines as Sorcha danced with Cal. Sorcha was in need of fresh air and something to drink by the time Cal led her through a reel as well as a jig and strathspey.

Cal dropped Sorcha off by Calleach with another kiss on the hand before he sought out Ella and asked her to dance. Sorcha fanned herself as Calleach slipped an arm around her waist and led her out of the ballroom. The cool misty air felt wonderful on Sorcha's skin when they finally managed to find an open window.

"Why didn't you tell me that Cal could dance?"

Calleach chuckled as stepped up behind Sorcha so that he could envelope her within his arms. He nuzzled her neck as he spoke. "He hasn't danced this much in over a year. Uncle has been very." Calleach paused as if trying to come up with the words. "Morose as of late. I think he has been lonely since his partner left him."

"What happened?"

Calleach rested his chin against Sorcha's head. "We all knew she was trouble. Marissa was thirty years younger than Cal, but he claimed they were in love and they acted like it. Cal only found out last year that Marissa was married. She was only with him for his money."

Sorcha blinked tears from her eyes. "Poor Cal. How much money did she steal from him?"

"Less than $100,000. A different Uncle of mine is busy representing Cal in court."

"I hope he gets his money back."

"Rupert is a great lawyer. People from all over Scotland and the British Isles ask for his aid in legal matters."

People moved by Calleach and Sorcha as they stood by the window. Bagpipes could be heard as well as a variety of other different instruments. Calleach had several third cousins who belonged in a band together and they were the ones providing the music.

Sorcha turned suddenly in Calleach's arms and rubbed noses with him before she kissed him tenderly on the lips. "Shall we go back to dancing?"

Calleach kissed her back as he crushed her to him. "Are you sure that ou want to dancing again?"

Sorcha giggled. "I know what you're thinking, but I'm really enjoying myself. If I'm going to be part of your family then I want to meet as many of them as I can."

"I've had a lot of people ask me questions about your family and the Sinclair boys."

Sorcha grinned at Calleach before she kissed him again. "I'm happy here Calleach. Your family has taken us in better than my family has." Sorcha paused. "Well, better than my immediate family. My Scottish and Greek relatives always treated us like one of their own."

"There you two are." Ella came down the hallway with Amaranth. "We've been looking for you two."

"Oh," Calleach said as he raised an eyebrow at Ella.

"You are going to dance with me."

Sorcha started laughing as she slipped away from Calleach. Ella took her place while Amaranth draped a long arm over Sorcha's shoulder.

"I bet that Amaranth and I can dance the jig better than the two of you can."

"Deal," Ella said before she started dragging Calleach back towards the ballroom.

Scottish Stars CrossOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora