Chapter 28 - Prom

Start from the beginning

Harry's arm links in mine as we follow the stream of seniors towards the entrance of the school. There's not a word between the two of us, but we don't need to. We're just as content with the physical contact.

As we walk into the school, the air seems to hum with excitement. Excited chatter is all around us and my stomach is doing flips. Harry hands our tickets to the teacher standing by the gym doors, and then we walk in. I am in complete awe.

Streamers hang from the tall ceiling, balloons everywhere I look. In a way, the room reminds me of a meadow of flowers. Colors of all variety's swirl slowly around the room, flitting throughout the others like flowers drifting in the breeze. But besides that, there is nothing else even close to a flower meadow.

The room is dark, colored lights flickering about the crowd. The room throbs with a heavy beat that seems to make my bones vibrate. Whoops and shouts are throughout the room, demanding to be heard through the deafening music. And yet, adrenaline immediately pulses through me.

An excited giggles pushes past my lips and I grip Harry's hand in mine, pulling him into the throng of people. I feel his hand shake in mine as he laughs, following me into the crowd.

Harry's P.O.V.

Julia sits in the chair next to mine, her finger fiddling with the material of her dress as we talk. She looks so perfect. Her cheeks are flushed red from excitement and the heat of the crowd.

"Thank you for taking me." She says over the loud music, a bright grin on her face. Her dark eyes twinkle excitedly and her chest rises and falls with heavy breaths. I can still feel the heavy beat throbbing through my body, causing my heart to beat quickly. I nod once in response, glancing down towards her pink lips.

"You're welcome. Thank you for coming." I shout back. I can't hear the laugh that leaves her lips, but I can see as her eyes clench shut, her head throwing back. I laugh along too. I know neither of us are laughing because of what I said. It isn't even remotely funny. We're just laughing because it feels good. It feels so good to be sitting so close with our blood buzzing with excitement, just laughing together.

The chatter slowly dies down as the heavy beat fades to a soft hum, slowly drifting to another song. I immediately recognize it. I Won't Give Up, Jason Mraz. As I look over to Julia, by the look of adoration on her face, she recognizes the song. I smile slightly to myself and stand, offering my hand.

"Will you dance with me?" I question softly, something inside of me flipping when she looks up at me, love glowing in her smile. She nods shyly, slipping her small hand into mine. I lead her towards the crowd of other couples, chatting quietly as they sway to the music.

I place my hand gently on her waist, my heart skipping a beat as she places her hand on my shoulder. We slowly sway, not bothering to talk. I just keep my eyes locked on hers, humming softly along. I don't know if she realizes it, but she silently mouthes the words to herself. And it really hits me. I really love her.

I love Julia and she loves me. My life is the dark, and hers is the light. Without her, I am lost. And without me, she is lost. There is no better feeling than loving and knowing you are loved in return. I adore everything about her.

I love how she delicately sings along to the song under her breath. I love that adoration in her eyes. I love that smile. I love the way that I can completely envelop her hand in mine. I love how all she has to do is look at me or say my name and I practically go cardiac arrest.

So I remove my hand from hers, wrapping both of my arms around her waist. Julia's smile widens and her arms immediately slide up to wrap around my neck. So both of us continue to sing under our breaths together as we sway side to side until the song slowly drifts to a close.

With perfect timing, my phone buzzes in my pocket. I give Julia a quick and apologetic smile, waiting until she nods in response before I turn away, pulling out my phone and answering it.


I can hardly hear over the pounding music, but at first all I hear is shaky, shallow breathing. That's when my heart sinks to the pit of my stomach. Because this call is from my aunt.

"Hello?" I ask again, glancing to the side at Julia. She's watching me, brows furrowed in concern. And then on the other side of the phone, I barely hear a shuddering sob.

I hold a finger up, mouthing a quick "one second" towards Julia before walking out the gym doors. There's still soft, pained sobs coming through the phone and I can hear Julia's heels clicking as she follows behind me. Aunt Jane's trembling voice sounds in my ear.

"Harry.." She sobs, voice raising a little.

"Aunt Jane? What is it, why are you crying?" I question, dread growing within me. Julia immediately rushes to my side, her hand taking mine as she watches me.

"Harry- Har- It was awful." She sobs and I feel my brows furrow. "Is- Is Julia with you?" Her voice cracks slightly, raising at the end. "Yeah, she's right here." I reply, glancing down at her. Julia's dark eyes widen slightly, her hand tightening around mine.

"Harry, I-I was in an accident." She finally whispers and my heart immediately jumps into my throat.

"An accident? Are you okay? Where are you now?" I immediately question, looking down to Julia's shocked expression. "I'm fine, I'm fine..." She shakily exhales. "It's just.. I wasn't alone in the car.." Her voice trails off.

And the sinking in my stomach returns.

"Aunt Jane, who was it?" And by now, I already know who it is. But I'm praying with my whole heart it isn't her.

"Harry, it was Diana. Julia's mother."

My heart sinks.

A shuddering sob.

"Harry, Julia's mother.. She's dead.."

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