Start from the beginning

"But you've to eat something, anything. You need to eat. I'll bring something really tasty for you," he argued.

"No Lucas! I said I don't want to eat. Why can't you understand that?!" After it was out, I regretted how my tone sounded. I didn't mean to shout but his constant questions and statements irritated me.

"I'm sorry. I just- I want to sleep, okay? I'll eat later, I promise. Can you please, let me rest? Please?" The last thing I could do was rest. With all the things running through my mind I could neither sleep, nor have any amount of rest. But I needed to get Lucas away from me and that was the only thing I could think of.

Laying in the bed, all kind of thoughts ran through my mind. I couldn't help but regret my selfishness. If I hadn't been so hell bent on stopping my marriage, my own father wouldn't have been struggling to live– he would've been happy dancing, enjoying the money he'd gotten from that marriage.

Sighing, I closed my eyes as I tried to clear my mind off things and think rationally. As soon as I closed my eyes, I heard my room's door open. Thinking it was Lucas, I didn't open my eyes pretending to be sleeping. The footsteps became louder making me aware of the nearness of him.

The familiar scent engulfed me, clouding my mind like it always did. It was so relaxing, I didn't want it to ever leave. I wanted to remain engulfed in this contending scent and enjoy the warmth and satisfaction it provided.

It was Carter's scent.

Just as I figured out it was him, I was glad I decided to close my eyes. I felt Carter's fingers clearing my head of unnecessary hair that hung above my eyes. His hands tucked all those stray strands behind my ear as I felt him placing a kiss on my head. His touch was so comforting, I craved for more. I wanted to be near him, to have him hug me, kiss me, stay by my side but it was impossible.

"Sparkle, I bought food. You need to eat, you know? You have become so weak, it is painful to watch." His hands cupped my cheeks as my heartbeat accelerated.

Carter, please don't do this to me.

"I have never loved anyone like I love you, Sparkle. But I guess, like you said, we are not meant to be. God has different plans for us," I could clearly hear the sadness seeping out of him. A cold material made contact with my skin as I felt his scent fading away.

He was finally giving up.

He was giving up on us.

It pained me. I wanted to shout out loud. To stop him. To tell him how much I loved him and how much I wanted him. I wanted to reach out to him, just for once, I wanted to be selfish and care about my happiness and nothing else, to follow my heart. But my mind did not let me follow my heart.

I wanted him all for myself, yet I wanted to save his life. Both of these were not possible. I had to compromise on either of these. My selfishness had almost costed me the life of my own father and I did not want another person in this position because of my happiness. A sigh left my mouth as I heard the door being closed.

Carter had left. I opened my eyes and searched for the thing Carter had left for me. It was a toy star. A sparkling silver star. Last time when he visited me, he left a butterfly. Like it was his thing to bring me toys. The star looked like the cutest thing I could ever see. I had no idea how even he finds such cute toys.

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