fight in the dorm.

Start from the beginning

"if you kept your mouth shut this wouldnt have happened hyung!" namjoon sighed, "everyone's a mess but she's been in her own world what was unfair." he shakes his head, looking down at his phone.

"you think i wanted to do that? i just wanted to sit there and make her wanna run off?" yoongi turns his head at namjoon, stopping his pace.

 "hey enough! hana is missing and you still wanna argue? who knows where that girl is now" jin raises his voice, his hand rubbing his temple. yoongi bit his lip, holding back sadness and anger.

 "ok, everyone, split apart. two people, go to the left. two people go straight, and two go to the right." hoseok said. 

yoongi looked at him. " and me?" he asked defeated, knowing the answer. 

"no, hyung just stay here. we dont want her running away anymore." jungkook said staring at him. 

yoongi just nodded his head turning to the dorm house. they all look at yoongi but then back at each other splitting up. he was so angry to the point where he was just crying wanting to hit the wall. it wasn't just this. it's everything. he can't get a beat right, it's been a struggle in the dance room, and nothing is aligning like it used to. he wants to talk it out but he isn't able to without sounding like a fight. he slumps on the couch, hoping that hana will get back.

 meanwhile, jungkook and taehyung ran to the cafe, jin and namjoon ran to the plaza, hoseok and jimin went to the near restaurant where hana loved the seafood. after a while, they all texted each other at the group chat they have, saying they couldnt find her. they hoped hana saw, but her user had a red dot showing her phone was off. everyone felt slightly panicked, knowing at hana wasnt even at the plaza.

after a while, the boys still didnt come.. yoongi was getting impatient and got up to grab his jacket. he went out the dorm house and went to look himself. he went to the plaza, he knew hana well, when shes stressed she eats at the froze yogurt place. he saw that it was closed and he cursed under his breath. he kept walking until he saw a bench next to a playground. after all the walking he was exhausted. he kept his head down cursing himself in his head, until he heard someone's breathing.. it was like when they have been crying for so long and they try catching their breath because of how much they were sobbing. he kept hearing them and got up.

he walked up the playground and followed the sound of the mini sobbing. he squatted down to check under the tube, and saw hana sitting down, hugging her knees as her head laid on his knees. she looks to have been crying, but now is just sitting in silence.

"hana!  what the hell are doing here?!!" yoongi yells but there was relief in his voice. hana's eyes jolted open and she put her head up. she tried to get out the tube and run out but yoongi called her. "wait! please! hana.. please! let me explain and say sorry.. i do not go anywhere" yoongi begged. hana looked at him and saw he looked exhausted, and there was sincere care in his eyes. she got out of the tube and went down to the sand. yoongi followed down the playground also and just hugged her. he really needed just a moment of silence.

"im sorry.. truly, i am. i didnt mean what i said.. i was just go mad that i was ready to blame anyone who stepped foot in my way.. you're like.. the missing piece of our puzzle and i'm sorry if it made it feel like you were unimportant. i truly don't know what got into me, that was out of line and disrespectful.." yoongi was trying not to cry while talking. he was fidgeting with his hand while talking trying to distract him from crying.. hana on the other hand, was on the brink of bawling her eyes out.

"yoongi, it's ok.. i know you didnt mean it.. i was just thinking in the tube that's all.. dont blame yourself. i know how stressed you are." she tried to smile, but more tears came out. yoongi hugged her right away, whispering sorry while doing so. 

"there you guys are!" they heard someone say, followed by multiple foot steps. hana stood up and saw all the boys running her way. she thought they would stop but they kept running, she covered her face, being attacked by a big group hug.

 "where the heck were you?!" jin exclaimed. 

"just here.. in that tube.. sorry for scaring you." her voice muffled, almost out of breath from the hug.

when the hug stopped jin cupped her face moving her head around, "are you hurt?! here! what happened here?" jin was getting all worried. hana just giggled. 

"im fine! dont worry." then everyone stops and looks at yoongi.

 "are you ok now hyung?" taehyung asked. yoongi just kept looking down, but nodded his head. everyone shuffles over, still in a hug and pulls him in. it was silence for a moment until it erupts with laugher.

 "alright then! everyone lets go home, im tired!" hoseok said half-laughing.

after we got home, we decided to watch a movie.. probably trying to avoid having to speak to one another, especially with yoongi. hana decided to sit next to yoongi, offering her baked cookies. he smiles,

"thank you han."
the ending was really bad... any suggestions for next chapters?

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