arwen - too late

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It was unclear to you whether you should have talked to the woman or not but now, you knew it was too late. The Orc's arrow had struck your heart. You would not make it out of this, even with the help of a powerful elf. Aragorn rushed over to protect you from any other Orc before the swarm was completely wiped out. The Fellowship all rushed to your side but you didn't say a word. The only thing on your mind was that of the beautiful Arwen. You knew for a fact that she didn't love you. She didn't even think of you. But that was okay. With your final strength, you looked up at Aragorn and gently took his hand.  

"Take care of the little ones for me . . . take care of Arwen," you softly said before you felt the poison completely take over your body. You drew your final breath.

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