day 1: daddy @ first sight

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wonho and i met in a school, in the halls of the classroom — WAIT SCRATCH THAT, we actually met just now in the park, in front of a school.

it was love at first sight, the moment i saw him, i was like: 'ohmigosdaddymaterial' and i couldn't help but to drop my jaw to the ground.

he found it cute and laughed, shooting fingers at me like spider-man.

i began to blush and he came close to me and whispered something i couldn't even hear —  BECAUSE THIS GIRL CAN'T HEAR NO SHIT.

but i still blushed and i guess he liked that cause he pulled me (more like yanked me) in to his arms and kissed me.

when he pulled away, he smiled, looking like he had the best kiss ever; but i, on the other hand, was furious. that hot daddy  took my god damn first kiss and his playboy ass probably has herpes.

i slapped him and yelled: "HEY WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!"

his eyes grew wide and he began to yell back. i eventually shrugged it off because i'm not a petty person — I'M FABULOUS.

apologising with his words, i pitied him and forgave him.

the atmosphere grew awkward and i began swinging my arms gently around. wonho took that as a signal as the chat being awkward so he asked my sign, relationship status, my career, university degree — basically all this bullshit that strangers ask.

i answered with full detail, hoping it'd bore him to death but no, he listened with full attention and it made my heart flutter.

he noticed how i was looking at him and he began telling jokes — funny ones, lame ones, dirty ones ;), you name it.

these jokes made me like him more and i had weird feelings around my gut: i like him already.

with all these jokes flooding to my brain, i had forgotten the awkward kiss already.

he saw how i was beginning to get comfortable and changed the jokes into compliments and flirts.

then he kissed me again, i didn't flinch; to be honest i was actually expecting this.  i kissed him back and our kiss turned into a makeup sesh — DAMN IT WAS HOT.

i pulled away and i looked at him with my flirty like — filled with lust — orbs and asked if we could be in a relationship.

daddy agreed and i kissed him goodbye. it was already getting late and i had to go home — IT WAS 6PM AND THIS GIRL NEEDED HER BEAUTY SLEEP.

that night when i walked home, i was thinking about the guy all day, even though i just met him.


it's cringey, ik it's supposed to be. and those who read to the ending, i applaud you cause the ending is the best. and if you can't be bothered just skip to the ending.

unrealistic expectations . wonhoWhere stories live. Discover now