Family Findings

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When Hunter woke up the next morning, he was naked and under his bedsheets. Logan was lying next to him, just as nude. He smiled as he thought of the night prior. Logan had known that it was his first time, and he had made sure it didn't hurt, and that it didn't feel uncomfortable. 

"Morning, Socio." He heard Logan say. The older male hugged him, and nuzzled his neck. "You smell like sex."

"I wonder why." Hunter said, rolling his eyes. "Lets take a shower."

Hunter had gotten dressed while his lover had finished taking a shower. He wore his usual attire, and then looked at what Logan had brought over to change into. He smirked as he grabbed the black hoodie, and put it on. Even though he and Logan were the same height, the other had more muscle, so it was too big for him. He kept it on anyway.

He made his way down the stairs, and sat on one of the stools in front of the island. Tristen was working around the kitchen, preparing a meal for all of them. Miles was leaning against the sink, smiling as his own boyfriend rushed around. Frankie sat two stools away from him, looking down at her phone, most likely on Hastygram. 

Hunter busied himself playing with the strings of Logan's sweatshirt, and focused on the way the sleeves drooped down his arms. He focused on the smell (the weird vanilla-ish smell) of the clothing item, and he focused on the pattering of Tristan's feet. He focused on the liquid that Miles was pouring, and the sighing of his sister.

"So . . . what's it like to be demisexual?" Miles asked, sitting next him.

"What's it like to be bisexual?" Hunter responded, voice holding a playful tone.

"Sassy. You're my new favorite brother." Frankie added, putting her phone face down on the counter. "New sweatshirt?"

"Sort of." He responded before grabbing his own phone from his pocket. 

He opened his messages on Hastygram, and looked at them. Yael had posted a few photos with Vijay. They had apparently gone to see a concert, and (according to the text Baaz had sent him fifteen minutes ago) the three of them were heading over, with Shay and Lola. Logan had posted some photos of his week the night prior, and sent him a message at three in the morning. A pitched scream rang through the silence, causing everyone to rush to its origin.

"Why are you screaming?" Logan asked, standing in the hall way covered with only a towel.

"You're a mostly naked man coming out of the bathroom." Lola stuttered, covering her face with her hands. She peered through them, and eyed Logan. "A very attractive one at that."

"Well, sorry to say, but I swing for the rainbow crowd." He responded, winking at her. "Hey, Socio, nice sweatshirt. But maybe you could give it back. It's a comfort blanket."

Hunter smirked slightly, stepped closer to his boyfriend, and whispered, "After last night, I thought I would be your comfort blanket."

"Okay, keep the sweatshirt. It suits you." The other replied, rushing off to Hunter's room.

"What did you say?" Yael asked, wearing their new vest over an off white shirt.

Hunter smirked, raking a hand through his hair, "I just gave him a little incentive. Promised all of us could have a miniature party."

"I love parties! Frankie, Shay, and I will raid the cabinets. Miles, Tristan, Vijay, and Baaz can go get blankets ad pillows, and Hunter, Yael, and Logan can download movies for us to watch." Lola demanded. "Should we invite anyone else?"

"Winston." Miles replied. "Jonah, and Zig as well."

"Then we have to invite Grace and Maya."

"Might as well call Zoe."

"Don't forget Rasha and Saad!"

They all wanted to download different movies. Hunter insisted on something SciFi related, and while Yael agreed, they also wanted to download something horror related. Logan was persistent in his stance for a romance, so they downloaded two movies for each genre.

Horror:    The Conjuring & The Ring

SciFi:    Star Trek (2009) & Star Trek; Into Darkness (2013)

Romance:    Handsome Devil & 50 First Dates

Lola had wanted to start watching the movies as soon as the others arrived. Hunter explained that it would take a little while for them to finish downloading. The group needed something to do. It had started to rain, so they couldn't go in the pool. They had to stay in the living room, or sit in the kitchen, because it was the only space big enough for the eighteen of them. They decided it would be a sleepover party, and they took sometime to think as they changed into their pajamas.

--Describing PJ's; Only read if you want--

Baaz- Star wars graphic Tee, with matching pants.

Frankie- Pink tank with pink and black plaid pants.

Grace- Teal tank with black pants.

Hunter - Logan's tee (Dark Grey) with black pants.

Jonah- Black tee with red pants.

Logan- His sweatshirt (the one Hunter stole) and salmon pants.

Lola- Baby blue tee with pink shorts.

Maya- Purple tee with dark purple shorts.

Miles- White tank with navy blue pants.

Rasha- Green shirt with dark green pants.

Saad- Light gray with red and black pants.

Shay- Light purple pants and shirt.

Tiny- Black tank with red basketball shorts.

Tristen- Striped shirt with rainbow pants.

Vijay- Black shirt with burnt orange pants.

Winston- Yellow shirt with bee pants.

Yael- Red shirt with Realm of Doom pants.

Zig- Black tank with black shorts.

Zoe- Pink nightdress.


"Let's play Never Have I Ever." Frankie exclaimed, already moving to grab some type of alcohol from the cabinet. The others agreed, and they started.

"Never have I ever . . . kissed a Hollingsworth. Including cheek." Shay started. Tristen, Lola, Maya, Zoe, Frankie, Logan, Jonah, Miles, Winston, Zig, and Hunter drank (A/N siblings show affection when they're younger).

"Never have I ever kissed someone of the same sex." Zig  retorted with. Tristen, Miles, Hunter, Logan, Zoe, Rasha, Vijay, Frankie, and Grace drank.

"Never have I ever had sex with someone that was female." Logan smirked. It was Jonah, Miles, Rasha, Zoe, Grace, Tiny,  and Zig's turn to drink.

"Never have I ever had sex with a male." Tiny added. Maya, Logan, Lola, Miles, Shay, Tristan, Vijay, Zoe, and Hunter drank.

"Oh gosh, my brother isn't a virgin." Frankie gasped, grabbing for Hunter's hand. "Who took his innocence?"

"I have an idea." Zoe started. "Never have I ever had sex with Hunter Hollingsworth."

"Well, I took an oath." Logan said, downing his drink. "Sorry, Socio."

The group laughed as Hunter hid his head in his shirt. Miles could be seen glaring at Logan, while Tristan wrapped an arm around the older Hollingsworth's waist. Logan stood up, and went to sit behind Hunter, chuckling in his ear. Vijay had started talking about starting a queer chat group, and everyone else was laughing at the two's predicament.

"I told you it wouldn't be so bad, Socio." Logan smirked, raising his eyebrows.

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