Chapter 12

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Dream sat anxiously in his seat with Blue and Ink. He and his two friends were at a small restaurant called "Grillby's Restaurant."He was nervous from the events that had taken place the day before with Error, the other criminals and with Geno's condition.

"We should visit Geno later today." Blue had suggested, breaking the silence between them. Dream smiled and nodded, "Yeah. He's probably lonely in his room." Ink nodded and smiled as well after a moment.

"Are you okay Ink? You seem off." Blue asked, placing a hand on Ink's shoulder with concern. "Yeah... I'll tell you guys later." Ink muttered and perked up when he saw a waiter approaching their booth with their food.

Once the small group had finished their food and paid. They decided to go for a walk. Ink was explaining to his two friends what had happened in Geno's room in the hospital. Dream look stunned while Blue had the same expression with a more morbid expression. "He could have-?!" Blue quickly shut himself up once he realized that people were staring at them.

"... How could that Reaper person wilt flowers with just a simple touch?" Blue asked, quieting down. Ink shrugged in response. Dream had stayed quiet, during that. Which was strange since they haven't heard a peep from him after Ink had finished explaining everything.

Blue turned to Dream... Or rather where he would be. Dream wasn't there. Ink and Blue, once they realized this, quickly scanned the crowd for him but saw no trace if him.

"Where could Dream go?" Blue muttered, looking around frantically for his friend. Ink shrugged and continued to look for Dream. For a few moments there was silence between them.

"Blue? Did you try texting Dream?" Ink asked but got no response from his friend. Ink turned to where Blue was and saw that he was also missing.

Ink, who was completely frightened, ran off. He was scanning the crowd of people on the street quickly. Before he was on a street with less people, far less people.

Ink panted from all the running as his mind tried to find an answer for why his friends had suddenly disappeared. He didn't realize as some dark blue strings had gently lifted him up and had begun to pull him to the roof if a building that he stood next to.

When he was half way up, he had finally realized that he wasn't on ground. He in the air, being pulled up by strings. He was about to struggle and yell for help when he was pulled up completely, he stopped breathing for a moment before smiling.

"Error!" Ink had almost immediately hugged him, forgetting about the strings. Error smiled at Ink and hugged back, carefully releasing him from the strings.

"Ahem." A cough came from Error, the two stopped hugging and Ink looked behind Error.

Behind Error was Killer, Cross and Dream were talking as was Dust and Blue. Killer was the one that coughed. "Can I go now? I'd rather be with Horror hunting people than up here with you guys." Killer complained, hands shoved into his pockets.

Error sighed at Killer complaint and nodded, "Just ask Nightmare the question before you head off with Horror." Killer seemed to brighten up, both Ink and Error figured it was because he could finally leave and kill someone a little later.

"Ink. I have to ask you a question." Error said, letting go of Ink. "What is it?" He responded. "Do you know someone named Fell? Or know anyone who might know him?"

Oh my God. Over 1k reads and nearly 100 votes? Thank you guys so much!

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