Erasing Doubt

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Pregnant Wife Ruby

Mother's Day Special

Honestly wasn't sure where I was going with this.


The married life was everything you had hoped for. With Ruby by your side, you had everything you wanted.

Well...almost everything...

Ruby was pregnant with your child. It has nearly 9 months and the due date was right around the corner.

Today, Ruby was happily eating ice cream you had gotten her. Neapolitan with chocolate chip cookie chunks.

You were relaxing next to her, watching TV.

Suddenly you heard sniffing. You looked towards Ruby, seeing her crying.

"Babe, what's wrong?"

She rubbed her nose as she looked at you. "Why haven't you divorced me?"

You were taken aback by her question. "W-What?"

"I'm not as sexy as Yang or beautiful like Weiss or cute like Blake. Why do you still love me? Why haven't you left me yet?"

You quickly shut off the TV and turned back to her. You always knew Ruby harbored some doubts, that she didn't deserve you or that she wasn't good enough. Before you asked her out, her team had always flirted with you. After finally confessing to her, you found out that her team had harbored feelings for you that you didn't notice (or care about). Even when dating, you could always see Ruby turn sad whenever you interacted with another girl.

"If you weren't cute, you wouldn't make me smile. If you weren't beautiful, you wouldn't leave me breathless. And if you weren't sexy..." You leaned in closer to whisper into her ear. "You wouldn't be pregnant with my child."

You pulled away and you can see her blush and start to fidget in embarrassment.

"I love you Ruby. I will never leave you. The only one who will have my children is you." You started to lean in.

She blushed even more as your lips got ever closer and she tried putting her hands on your chest in a vain attempt to stop you.

You kissed her and you didn't break it even when she tried pushing you off. You held it, even when the need for air started to burn, you needed to be connected to her. You wanted to erase every doubt from her head. To melt every bad thought that she didn't deserve to have you.

And soon enough, as reassuring confirmation, she started to kiss back, wrapping her arms and legs around you to get even more closer to you.

Little did you know, your wife's water would break in about 30 seconds...

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