Fap Material

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You smiled as you turned the page. You were currently relaxing on your bed, enjoying your newly delivered magazine. It was the latest edition of Sniper Sluts

And the title gave away its age rating of 18+. It was something to keep you busy, to distract you off your beautiful girlfriend. 

She was inexperienced to romance so you didn't want her to think you were a freak or something by being aggressive. Though you did feel somewhat guilty using fap material.

Then a knock came at your door.

You were surprised as you were not expecting anyone. You decided to just ignore it, maybe they would go away. 

But you had a minor heart attack when you heard them speak.


A voice you recognized instantly, your lovely girlfriend.

"Hold on!" You yelled frantically. 

You closed the magazine and went over to your hiding place, under your bed. You pulled out a large and heavy locked box. Taking out a key, you unlocked and opened the box. What greeted you was an empty space. Pressing both sides, you unlocked the surface compartment and lifted it, revealing your true collection. You made sure your collection was labeled and organized.

Another knock, most likely of impatience. "H-Hold on!" You spat out.

You fumbled and hurriedly placed your newest magazine. In a frenzy, you put surface compartment back before closing the top and shoving it back under the bed. You jogged to the door and opened it.

And your heart throbbed at the beauty right in front of you.


The silver-eyed leader of Team RWBY, Ruby Rose. Your girlfriend. 

She grinned at you. "Hey." 

"I thought we were meeting up later."

You and Ruby were going on a date later, but that was in Vale. You were just planning to just enjoy yourself in your room until then.

"We were." She let herself in and hugged you, nuzzling your chest. "But I wanted to hang out with you sooner."

Your knees started get weak and you blushed. You patted her head as you hugged back.

You closed the door as Ruby let go of you and walked further in. And you started to panic as you saw something on the floor.

The lock to the collection box. In a rush, you forgot to put it back on and now it was laying on the floor.

She then suddenly turned to you, much to your surprise as you were worried over the lock.

"By the way, I had a cookie delivery coming in. Can you pick it up?"

This confused you. "Why didn't you get it before you came here?"

She was oddly quick with an answer. "Because I love you~"

Your heart throbbed at how cute she sounded. You hugged her, earning a cute giggle.

"And why would I leave you here?" You questioned as you spun with her so that your back was to the lock.

"Because you love me?" 

She then looked at you with wide eyes. Her eyes were overwhelmingly beautiful and as sappy as it was, you had gotten lost in them before.

You flinched and turned away. "Okay!" 

At the same time, you used your foot to the kick the lock under the bed.

As much as you hated the idea of Ruby being alone in your room, you decided there wasn't much harm in it. 

You glanced at the hiding spot, while it was hidden hastily and you didn't lock it, Ruby would have no reason to look under there. And even if she did, the stash was still hidden under the surface compartment. 

You were confident your collection would remain secure.

You gave Ruby a quick peck on the cheek before leaving.

And once the door was closed, Ruby jumped onto your bed and rolled around.

Ruby loved being in your room. Your scent was wonderful and your bed was very soft.

Though there was a specific reason why she wanted you out of your room.

"Find out what he's looking at." Yang told her. Her sister was referencing adult media. 

"If he's into you, then he'd have a bone to pick with you." And Yang's pun would not go... unpunished...

Ruby gulped as she blushed. She truly wondered if you saw her that way.

In truth, Ruby did spot the lock on the ground and was confused. And while she wasn't looking, she concluded you must have kicked the lock away, under the bed.

She lowered herself and found both the lock and a large box. She was surprised at how heavy the box was and became anxious that it was the exact thing she was looking for. After some time and elbow grease, she pulled the box out and opened it.

She was confused at the lack of contents. The box was big and heavy but there was nothing there.

Weird. She thought to herself.

If you had properly secured the surface compartment, Ruby would have been none the wiser and would have put the box back where it was and continued her search.

But it wasn't secured. Ruby could see the compartment was loose and that it could be removed. After some tugging, she did so. 

Putting the compartment aside, she gasped at what she saw.

(Timeskip a few minutes later, as Chibi Ruby points and starts yelling "Filth!")

You entered your room only to see her sitting on the floor, surrounded by piles of magazines. You turned pale and even dropped the bag you were carrying when you saw it was your "special" magazines.

Girls with scythes.

Girls with sniper rifles.

Girls with black hair and red tips.

Girls dressed as red riding hood.

Girls with stockings.

You saw Ruby eyeing each of the sections that were already meticulously organized and sensed the obvious unifying pattern between them all.


You were completely speechless. She didn't look at you or acknowledge your presence.

You weren't sure if she was mad or disgusted with you. Or both!  


You flinched as she called her name. Her tone was emotionless. You shivered as she looked up at you. She looked apathetic and her eyes were empty.


There was no way around this. You decided to be honest and hope for the best.

"Yeah. I was thinking of you." 

There were a few moments of silence as you just stood there. But what she said next, shocked you.

"If you wanted to do 'that', you could have asked."

You blinked. Suddenly you felt yourself pushed onto your side and onto your bed. You saw rose petals disappear as you looked at Ruby who was lying down beside you. 

"W-Wait you're saying..."

You were cutoff as Ruby sealed you into a very passionate kiss.

And that night, you got to sleep with your fap material.

Unfortunately for your other fap material however, the next day Ruby threw it all into the incinerator. 

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