You Did What?

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*Private Chat Between Camila and Selena*

Selena: Hey 

Camila: Omfg, Selena! It's been a week, are you okay?
Selena: I'm okay.

Camila: Well, that's good❤️

Selena: I think I've made my decision.

Camila: I'll support you with whatever you choose💜

Selena: I'm glad I'm telling you first

Camila: I'm glad I'm being told first, Selena

Selena: I'm going to break up with Justin.

Camila: And that's okay.

Selena: You agree?

Camila: Mhm. You're my friend, I'll support you with whatever choice you make💛

Selena: Ily, Mila❤️

Selena: Should I tell the group now?

Camila: If you want

*End Of Private Chat*

Selena: Hey Guys...

Grayson: Selena!

JJ: How are you, Selena?

G: You doing good?

Ethan: Did you make the choice?

Grayson: Don't rush her, E!

Ethan: Sorry...

Selena: It's Alright, Ethan

Justin: Selena...

Selena: Justin, I finally made my decision

Justin: I'm scared

Selena: We need a break

Justin: if that is want, then I'll let you go, because I love you.

Camila: Don't feel guilty, Selena

Justin: Please don't feel guilty.

Shawn: Selena, you're sure you want this?

Selena: I'm positive.

Ariana: I feel so bad. This is my fault

Ethan: Ariana, don't say that!

JJ: You know it's not your fault

G: Be reasonable, Ariana.

Ariana: I am. I seduced Justin

Camila: What are you doing to do about Mac?

Ariana: Fuck...

Justin: You seduced me??

Ariana: ...


Grayson: Leave her be, Jay

JJ: Don't make any rash decisions, Justin

G: Don't do something that you'll regret

Selena: seduced him?

Ariana: Selena, please forgive me.

Grayson: All three of you, stop it

Justin: I can't...this isn't fair

Ethan: All three of you are gonna end up fighting, and getting mad at each other. Don't let that happen

JJ: I agree with E

G: Don't start fighting

Camila: Selena...please don't.

Shawn: I can't deal with drama like this.

Camila: Don't be like that

Selena: I gotta go talk to Justin and Ariana. Privately.

JJ: We Love you, Selena

Selena: I love you all too

Ethan: 💙

Grayson: 💛

Zayn: 💖

Gigi: 💜

Ariana: Alright, See ya guys later

Camila: Bye...

Justin: Bye Guys

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