The Better Lane

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Shawn: So, yesterday, since Shawmila was the main topic....

Camila: Lets talk about Jelena

Justin: No.

Grayson: Yes!

Ethan: Yes!!!

Selena: Wait...lets talk about how you totally left Grayson out yesterday with James, E.

Grayson: Fuck that

Ethan: Agreed

Camila: Lmao

Zayn: Yay! Drama

Gigi: Shut up

Ariana: Wait...there's drama?

Zayn: Of fucking course there's drama

Ethan: So, Jelena was together for New Years, right?

Justin: Yes

Grayson: Any New Years kissing😉


Grayson: Never

Zayn: You tell him Gray, lmao

Ariana: My lane slays

Ethan: What?

Grayson: HA

Justin: Wait you're in Gray's lane?

Ariana: Ofc

Justin: I'm in E's lane

Zayn: Grayson

Selena: Grayson

Shawn: Ethan

Gigi: Ethan

Camila: Ethan's

Ethan: Ha! My lanes better, Gray

Grayson: Oh shut up

Ariana: Grayson's lane is the better lane.

Selena: Agreed.

Ethan: We all know I have the better lane

Gigi: He does

Ethan: Thank you

Ariana: What?? Grayson's lane is the better lane.

Justin: Ethan.

Ariana: Grayson's blonde hair is cute af

Grayson: Thank you

Ariana: 🙃

Ethan: *cough* my lanes still better

Shawn: It is true. We picked the right lane.

Ethan: *high fives Shawn*


Ethan: Oh yeeeahhhh SM3 right?

Shawn: Yup!

Justin: That album is probably gonna dominate 2018

Shawn: Hopefully 😂

Ariana: we all know it will.

Grayson: Isn't Camila coming out in 7 days?

Camila: *nods*

Shawn: We all know which song is about me😉

Zayn: Into it is totally about Shawn

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