Is This True?

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Selena: JUSTIN

Justin: What's wrong?

Camila: Is everything okay?

Ethan: Is something wrong?

Selena: Ariana, Justin, please explain these

Justin: Explain what?

Grayson: What the hell is wrong

Zayn: Did I miss something

JJ: ?

G: Selena, did something happen?


Ariana: Selena

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Ariana: Selena...

Justin: Selena, I can explain

Shawn: What the fuck guys?

Selena: I have more

Camila: You guys better explain before  I beat both of your asses

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Camila: You guys better explain before I beat both of your asses

Selena: I'm not done

Ariana: Can we explain?

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Ariana: Can we explain?

Selena: No. I hate both of you. How the fuck could you do this too me, Justin?

Ariana: Sel, we were drunk! That was at Justin's party last night

Justin: Selena, please

*Private chat between Justin and Selena*

Justin: I was drunk

Selena: You slept with her

Justin: Selena, it was a lot of alcohol

Selena: You should still remember that you have a! Sober or not

Justin: You know it's not like that

Selena: ...

Justin: Talk to me, baby

Justin: Camila and Shawn were there. They didn't drink much. Ask them!

Selena: Justin, we need a break

Justin: What?

Selena: We need a break from us

Justin: Don't say that

Selena: I'm serious

Justin: Give me another chance!

Selena: I've given you too many, Justin

Justin: What do you mean?

Selena: Remember, we've been together before...

Selena: Goodbye, Justin. I love you, but I need time to think this over.

Justin: I respect that

Selena: Goodbye.

Justin: I love you

Selena: See you later

*End of Private chat*

Selena Gomez Left The Chat

Justin Bieber Left The Chat

Ariana: I feel so bad

Grayson: It's not your fault, Ari

Ethan: Yeah. You were drunk too

Camila: She still had sex with him

Shawn: Camila!

Ariana: No, she's right. Don't pity me. I basically seduced Justin.

Grayson: I was there, stop saying that. I know you didn't do that.

Ethan: Ariana, stop lying

JJ: We know you didn't mean to do anything on purpose

G: Alcohol can fuck up your mind

Zayn: Please, it's not okay, Ari

Ariana: I love all of you guys, but I gotta go.

Camila: Bye

Shawn: See ya, Ari. We love you

JJ: Love you

G: ❤️

Ethan: Love you, Ariana💙

Grayson: See you later, Ariana. We love you💖

Ariana: I seriously don't deserve the friendship I have with you guys. I truly don't.

JJ: Nah. We don't deserve you 💙

Ariana: See you later. I just...I think Justin and I need to talk. I'll try to get in touch with him.

A/N: Okay...I finally updated because I feel a little bit better. Not fully great, but a little bit better. If you want, check out my other Wattpad account, smolbean_julia. I post more of Magcon, Shawmila, etc!

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