Guessing Game

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Groaning, Gidget headed towards the window. Opening it, she looked out and asked, "What happened?" Just then, Chloe sprang up and hissed, "What does it look like?! We crashed into a window!" The tabby's tail was fluffed up in anger. Stumbling slightly, Tiberius answered in a gentle tone, "I couldn't see the glass, so we ended up crashing into the window." Norman, meanwhile, climbed onto the windowsill and entered the apartment, soon followed by the cat and the hawk.

Sighing, Gidget leapt onto a nearby table and gazed down at the assembled pets. I hope she's okay, Max thought quietly, remembering her father's death only sixteen days earlier. His girlfriend and her family had mourned his death for a week afterwards. However, Gidget showed no signs of pain as she challenged the group, "Do you guys know what today is?" Suddenly, Mel began shouting, "The squirrels are taking over the city! You guys never listened to me! And know, they're going to harvest our-"

"No, this has nothing to do with that! It's just- no!" Gidget quickly silenced Mel before he continued. Sighing, she looked at the others for some more answers.

"Your birthday?" Norman suggested, shrugging his shoulders.

"My birthday?" Duke asked, scratching his ear.

"New Years Eve," Leonard piped up, receiving a whack from Ozone.

"Thanksgiving," Chloe mumbled, thinking about all of the food she could eat.

"The apocalypse!" Snowball cheered, jumping into the air.

"Our anniversary?!" Max asked, dread filling up inside him.

"No, no, no, no, definitely no, and no," Gidget replied. Taking a deep breath, she went on, "Guys, today is Valentine's Day! Last night, Pops gave me a call and told me that we were all invited to his Valentine's Day party." A mischievous look appeared in her eyes as she added, "Who knows? Maybe some of you will find your match."

Different reactions went around the room. There were cheers, whines, scowls, bored looks, or plain silence. Jumping down and heading for the window, Gidget called over her shoulder, "Let's go!"

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