"Yeah," I said, nodding my head as my hand went to my stomach once a wave of nausea hit me. I didn't know if it was because I had pushed myself further than I had since I had been kidnapped or if I was just starving. I swallowed what felt let the urge to vomit.

"Just realized I haven't eaten much today. Guess I got used to Gemma feeding me" I told him. Today was the first day in weeks that I felt good enough to go with my normal day to day activities. I never realized how often I forgot to eat because I was just so busy until I was bedridden stuck with Gemma bringing me something to eat every couple of hours. I looked up at him when his phone started to ring. I watched as he pulled his phone from his pocket and answered it.

"Yeah she's done. He left almost two hours ago... Aye, it went just fine. He gave me his card... Will do." Chibs said into the phone and I rolled my eyes knowing it was Jax calling. I may have been showing that I was annoyed on the outside but on the inside I was happy to know that he was so concerned. If what Chibs said was true then he really didn't want to lose me.

"Jax wants me at the clubhouse, you okay with heading over there?" He asked me and I gave him a nod. There wasn't anything else for me to do here. I just wanted to take it easy for the rest of the day.

I had ridden with a couple of the guys from the club before but it was still strange to be on another man's bike and not be my biker. Wrapping my arms around his waist once again he took off towards the street driving. My arms tightened around him only slightly and I pressed my good cheek to his back as he drove a little faster. As we got to the shop, I saw that my car was inside the garage being worked on. I tilted my head at the sight of it as I got off of Chibs bike.

"What the hell happened to my car?" I called out loud enough for everyone to hear. Everyone looked up at me as I walked into the garage.

"Hey sweetheart, how you feeling?" Tig greeted me, kissing my cheek. I raised a brow at him letting him know that I wasn't in the mood for small talk. He gave me a chuckle.

"Just replacing the window." He told me.

"The window?" I asked turning to look at Chibs who was walking up behind me.

"Jax shattered it the night you were, you know. But we're fixing it." He assured me and I looked over at my car again. I let out a sigh placing my hands on my hips.

"Happy here?" Chibs asked Tig.

"Think he just pulled up" Tig responded.

"Wanna help Sam with the ford escape over there?" Tig asked me. I looked over at Sam, seeing that he was elbows deep into the hood of the car.

"I don't think Charlie should be doing that today, Tiggy." Chibs spoke up and Tig had a wide goofy smile on his face.

"Right. Of course not." He said.

"What's up with you?" I asked him and he just shook his head.

"Nothing." He answered and I walked towards the office door.

"The boys in here with Gemma?" I asked but was given another head shake.

"No!" He said and then cleared his throat.

"You know what I think Gemma took them to Scoops." He said. I gave him a questioning look knowing that Chibs and I had just come from that street and didn't see them there.

"Or maybe some place else, I'm not too sure." Tig added. I looked over at Sam when he looked up at me. I gave him a smile and a wave.

"You know what you're doing over there? Need some to show you how to do it." I asked him letting a smirk come to my lips and shook his head.

Killer Love: Sons Of AnarchyWhere stories live. Discover now