Chapter Five~My Project Partner

Start from the beginning

As for me? I don’t really care. I work well with everyone! Everyone except for people like him.


Mr. Dingle filed for the smart board remote. He reached up his hairy arm –gross- and clicked the on button. I could see the green light blinking in my peripherals as I waited for the board to light up.


“I put the partners up on the smart board. You have the rest of the block to plan out and ask questions. Be free children.”  He waved his arms around, motioning us to begin.


Okay. Lets see. My partner is… WHAT?! No. This has to be a mistake. There’s no way that I’m going to be partnered up with *GAG* Jayden Silver.


“Um Mr. Dingle, I think we have a problem here.” I fluttered over to his desk nervously. “ I can’t work with Jayden. Isn’t there someone else?”


Dingle looked up with a sigh and stopped grading his papers. “ Oh Kaylee don’t be such a drama queen. He’s new here. He needs to make friends here somehow. And you have such a kind personality.” He replied matter of fatly.


I twisted my hair around my finger and peered over my shoulder. There he was, worn down shoes propped on the desk in front of him. And then he looked up his phone to wiggle his fingers at me.


“But Mr. Dingle” I started to protest.


“Kaylee just give it a shot.” He proposed. “ Now please unless you have a question about the project, leave me be so I can grade papers.” He picked up his red pen and started to gather up old tests.


I walked back to my seat defeated. So what is this project on?


I put the rubric in front of me and took a good look at it. Hmm A time line of current events through the years. Events that related to government and during the time span of 1900-2014. It’s a pretty broad spectrum.


“ Hey kitty I got to ask the teach something real quick.” I looked up and saw Jayden peering over my paper.


Kitty? What the fuck?  I rolled my eyes and pulled out paper to get planning done.


“Mr. Dingle? Is there any chance that we could work in the courtyard?”


“That’s a great idea! Fresh air will make your brain juices flowing. Go right ahead. Everyone! Mr. Silver had the idea of working outside. Go on if you’d like. “ Mr. Dingle called attention to the class.


“Lets go.” Jayden muttered next to me and grabbed his brown, battered bag. He moved into the hallway swiftly and waited by the lockers.


I grabbed my things as quickly as I could and followed shortly behind him. I saw his lean body against the locker and really noticed how tall he really was. Six feet? Huge compared to my 5’4 frame.


He turned around and looked at me with a curiosity. “Kitty, if you want to stare at me, take a picture.” And with that note I was out of my awkward day dream- stance.

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