Chapter Five

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Chapter 5

Today was our last day in London, and thankfully my last day of sharing an apartment with Niall. Don’t get me wrong, Niall is great, more than great he’s amazing actually but I just can’t deal with my feelings anymore. The fact that I have to see him every minute of the day kills me because once we have finished with tour practising; we have to come back to the flat...together.

I pulled myself out of bed for the last time and made my way over to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and stepped inside. The shower was a great place for me to think and you’ve probably guessed that I’m thinking about Niall. Yes, I can’t get the perfect little blonde boy out of my head. Ergh. After I finished my shower I slipped on some leggings and a pink strap top before making my way downstairs for some breakfast.

As I made my way down the stairs I could hear giggling coming from the front room. The giggling was coming from a girl. Maybe Liam and Danielle were over? As I approached the door to the front room I stopped outside to listen to the conversation.

‘I can’t believe you’re leaving tomorrow, I’m going to miss you so much’ The female voice wined.

‘I’m going to miss you too baby, but it’s my job I have to go. You’re coming to our show in Chicago in a month’s time anyway’ Niall replied. That’s when I realised that it wasn’t Liam and Danielle at all; it was Niall and his girlfriend. I don’t want to see this at all. They seemed to have stopped talking so I decided to go and get my breakfast.

‘Oh, s-sorry. I didn’t know’ I stuttered. I just walked in on Niall in a full on make out session with his girlfriend.

‘It’s ok Amelia. This is Sophie’ Niall tangled his fingers with Sophie. She wasn’t a tall person, I guess making her perfect height for Niall, she had short brown hair and sparkling blue eyes. She seemed very nice but I couldn’t help but feel as though I hated her, I was so jealous of everything she had that I couldn’t. 

‘I’m going to Harry and Louis’ flat’ I ran over to the flat without even greeting Sophie. I could feel the tears build up in my eyes before they came streaming down my face as I ran across the hall. I ran straight into the living room and into Harry’s arms.

‘What’s up babe’ Harry seemed shocked as he was stroking my hair trying to get me to calm down. I looked around making sure that no one else was around. ‘Don’t worry, Louis’ at Zayn and Liam’s. Now tell me what’s up’

‘It’s Ni-Niall. He’s with Sophie. I saw them k-kiss’ I replied trying to stop the hiccups taking over me. ‘You said everything would be fine Harry’

‘I know I did. It will be honestly’ I don’t think Harry believed that himself, he was just saying that to comfort me. He was still stroking my hair to try and stop me from crying and reassuring me that everything would be ok.

Before I could reply the door burst open. Niall came running in shouting my name.

‘Amelia, please let me talk to you’ Niall asked with a pleading expression on his face. I looked up at Harry and he nodded. Niall led me into Harry’s bedroom so that he could talk to me in private.

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