Chapter Four

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Chapter 4

I feel the sun burning on my face the next morning. I slowly peel my eyes open and all the memories of last night come flooding back into my head. I can’t understand why I’m having these feelings towards Niall? I swore to Georgia and myself for that matter that I would never ever date any of the boys. But there is something about Niall. He makes me feel warm inside, I can talk to him easily and don’t feel awkward about the fact that we met just a few days ago, and god that boy is hot. He walks around in his red polo with his abs showing through, god dammit he makes me want to jump him. Ergh.

My thoughts were interrupted when someone knocked on my door. ‘Come in’

‘Hey babe. You ok?’ Harry walked into my room and sat on my bed with that cute smile of his plastered across his face. He is just so darn cute.

‘I guess so’ I would usually tell people that everything is fine and bottle it up, but with Harry I can tell him anything. He has already become my best friend, a brother to me more like. He reaches out his hand a tucks a small piece of hair behind my ear and smiles at me again.

‘What’s up Amelia, you can talk to me. I’m your Hazza’ He says with a wink. I giggle.

‘I don’t know what to do Harry. I promised myself that I wouldn’t get feelings for any of you boys because I have come here to work with you. But Niall, he’s just so..well Niall. When we went shopping and he picked out that dress and told me how amazing I looked it made me feel so happy that I just wanted to grab hold of him and never let go. Now I find out he has a girlfriend and its killing me Harry. I don’t know what to do’ I rush all of this information out of my mouth before collapsing in a heap of tears into Harry’s lap.

‘It’s ok baby.  Everything will be alright’ Harry reassured me whilst he was stroking my head.

‘How do you know’ I look up at him from his lap with tears still filling my eyes.

‘Just trust me on this one’ He flashes me that smile. The famous Harry Styles smile.

‘I trust you Hazza’ I reply with a wink before taking myself off to the bathroom to get freshened up before I go down for breakfast. I slip on a strapless top and a pair of denim shorts along with very minimal makeup, only wearing mascara and lip gloss. I leave my hair to flow in its natural waves. I make my way down stairs and into the kitchen where all the boys are sitting.

‘Looking good Miss Jones’

‘Right back at you Mr Malik’

‘So what’s happening today then guys’ I ask looking at Liam because I can guarantee that he will be the only one who will knows today’s schedule, being Daddy Direction and all.

‘Not much actually. We have an appointment with the stylist, including you, to sort out all of our outfits for the tour but then we can chill for the rest of the day’ Liam stated. He always knows exactly what’s going on. Like I said, I’m glad there is someone sensible here that can actually keep all the boys in check.

On Tour With One DirectionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ