Chapter Three

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Chapter 3

‘Amelia babe, wake up. We’re here’ A familiar Irish voice whispers in my ear. I must have fallen asleep in the car. I forgot for a second that all of this was actually real. The sound of Niall’s beautiful Irish accent made me realise just how real it all was.

‘Where are we?’ I ask looking out of the window to see a massive 3 story building. This house looks incredible, much fancier than my flat back in Newcastle. The drive that led up to the front of the house was incredibly long. The car drove up the drive and stopped in front of the door. A man in a black suit and a black cap walked over to the car and opened my door.

‘Welcome to the boys flats Miss’ the man said to me whilst tipping his hat in a welcoming manner.

‘Call me Amelia’ I smiled at him as I made my way to the door.

‘Enjoy your stay Amelia. I’m Frank’ He smiled back and opened the front door letting me and the boys into the house.

I couldn’t believe my eyes as I walked into the building. There was crystal everywhere. A long staircase was set in the middle of the room with a lift at the side.

‘Let’s take the lift, we have all your suitcases’ Liam stated making his way over to the lift and pressing the up button. ‘So, who’s flat is Amelia staying in’

‘Mine!’ Niall practically screamed out whilst we were stood in the lift. There was an awkward silence before he spoke again. ‘You know because Harry and Louis share, and Liam and Zayn share so I thought it was best she stayed with me because I have the room’ Niall smiled at me weakly looking embarrassed at his sudden outburst.  I smiled back reassuringly making sure he knew that it didn’t faze me. Although I have to be honest, hearing Niall being so enthusiastic about sharing a flat with me made happy. I don’t know what it is about him; he just makes me well, happy?

‘This way m’lady’ Niall said with a wink as he led me into his apartment. I couldn’t believe the sight I saw as I walked in. There were clothes EVERYWHERE, empty Nandos bags, food cartons and just general crap scattered around his flat.

‘ this is um..nice?’ I tried to make myself sound greatful for the fact that they were letting me tour with them, but I couldn’t help it, the room was a mess.

‘Yeah, I’m sorry about the mess. I’m not used to having people stay, it’s usually just me and the boys who crash here’ He looked down at the floor as his cheeks started to flush to a cute pink colour. I could tell that he was embarrassed but it just made him even cuter.

Suddenly the door burst open and Louis came running in ‘Grab your coat, we are going shopping’ Louis was bouncing up and down by this point, obviously excited by the fact that we were going shopping. Louis ran out of the room screaming ‘Hazza. Lets go baby!’ and I couldn’t help but chuckle.

‘Larry Stylinson is real eh?’ I said to Niall as I wiggled my eyebrows.

‘I guess so’ He replied. ‘Let’s go’ he linked my arm and escorted me out of the building.


‘LETS PLAY DRESS UP’ Louis screamed as we ran into Hollister. This boy was like a 5 year old child let loose in a toy store.

‘I agree with Boo. Let’s all find outfit’s for Amelia to wear!’ Harry looked in my direction with an evil grin on his face. I had a feeling this was not going to turn out well. All five boys ran around the store like loons leaving me sitting in the dressing room on my own. Finally Zayn came back handing me a huge pile of clothes that all of them had picked out for me and pushed me into a cubical.

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