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Ashamed. That was my feeling. How could I do something like that to the person I loved the most. I knew what I did last summer, I knew how I busted Shawn but I don't know why I let that happen. How could this possibly be true.

The twelfth chapter.

One week had gone by and Shawn wasn't giving up on trying to reach me. I came back home with my family, saying I needed a break from this life but, truly I was the one breaking my life. I was just staring at the wall all day, nothing made any sense to me anymore. How? How could I do that to Shawn?

A name just kept crossing my mind.

" Jacob"

The guy who I couldn't recognize at the late late show. The guy in the back who was staring at me. The guy.

As I kept thinking about this whole thing, this whole mess, my mother knocked at the door.

- Come in! I yelled across my room.

The door slowly opened and the more I could see the silhouette, the more my heart kept racing again. A man's silhouette was standing behind that door and it couldn't be my father since he was working. My heart kept beating faster and faster and it seemed like it took hours to finally see the man. Shawn.

He walked slowly to my bed, where I was sitting, and he gently sat on it like he was afraid to break it.

- You don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to but, I've been looking for you for eight days and you just ran away without explaining anyhing.

- I'm sorry. I should've told you something.. I don't know.. Can I just go home with you and tell you whenever I'm ready?

- Yeah, no problem, he said.

I nodded and got out of my bed. I took a backpack that was laying on the flooring and started to pack things. Then, without even talking, Shawn and I got out of my room and got ready. I told my mother I was going back to his apartment and she seemed happy.


I was sitting on the couch when I realized I let my phone in our room. I quickly got up and walked to the room. Shawn was standing beside the bed as he turned around to look at me.

- Hum.. you got a message I think.

- Oh, who is it?

- I don't know, he said, I didn't look at it, it just rang.

I smiled and took my phone. I got back to the couch and opened my phone.

(3:15 PM) Jacob: Did you make him believe it was his?
(3:15 PM)Jacob: oh.. did you even told him?
(3:16 PM)Jacob: I don't want anything to do with you Ok?

I answered back.
(3:18 PM) Me: I don't want anything to do with you either, I know you drugged me that night, I would never had done that.

(3:19 PM) Jacob : you try to convince yourself you wouldn't have done that. Now go and talk to your perfect and handsome man.

(3:20 PM) Me:  he was your best friend, you go and talk to him, you ruined everything.

Shawn walked in the living room and looked at me confused.

-Are you Ok?

- Yeah, don't worry.

** End of the flashback **

I was still sitting on that couch, feeling so guilty and disgusted by myself. How could any of this happen. Now I knew why I did something so bad but being drugged didn't excuse any of it.

- Are you Ok honey?

- No, can you sit down.

Shawn sat beside of me and seemed worried but ready to hear me out at the same time.

I took a big breath and finally told him the truth.

- I know what happened last summer and I know every single part of it. I know everything.

He looked down and whipped his tears away, like he was ashamed to have those feelings.

- Listen, I know this must be so hard for you and I feel like crap knowing I did this to you, I'm so sorry, I'm never going to be able to do enough for you to forgive me.

He looked confused, like what I was saying didn't make sense. He answered back:

- I did forgive you, I wanted to solve this when you left but, you ran away and had a car crash. You lost the baby.

- I know that he drugged me Shawn Ok? I feel so bad that I cheated on you.

-What? That's what you think happened?

- What? I didn't cheat on you?

- No. But the baby wasn't mine. He raped you.

- What did I do that was terrible if this wasn't my fault?

End of the twelfth chapter.

GUYS THERES SO MUCH LEFT THE STORY IS NOT OVER OK? ILL EXPLAIN MORE IN THE NEXT CHAPTER. leave some comments, I love seeing you guys comments! ❤❤

I Know What You Did Last Summer || Shawn Mendes & Camila CabelloWhere stories live. Discover now