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This day was the day I found my passion again, I found my dreams. It was the only thing that made me forget all the problems and things I had to deal with. I wanted to live this life to the fullest, I wanted to be happy again but that took time.

The nineth chapter.

We arrived to our hotel room which was about the same size as our appartment.

- Wow! Shawn did you pay for this room?

- Yeah.

The young man took my luggages from my arms and put them on the floor before and wrapped his arms around me.

- But you didn't have to.. This is way to expensive.

- I don't care, there's nothing that is too expensive for you Camila.

- Stop.

I could see in his eyes the desire. I could see his soul trough his eyes and I felt like no one else could. As much as I felt special and happy about it, I also felt scared and overwelmed. Was I able to give him back everythig that he was giving me?

- Shawn?

- What?

- I have to get ready, we have to go in two hours and my assistant is coming in ten minutes. I'm going to take a shower.

- O.K

His big brown eyes left mine as he put a kiss on my forehead. He then took his phone and sat on our bed.

I went in the bathroom and took a shower. I still had no idea what to sing at the late late show, so I started to sing. I didn't remember the title of the song but sone minutes after, I remembered. It was the first sog I sang with my friends when we got formed as a group. Impossible.

I stop the water abd heard Shawn talking with someone. I rushed to put on a hoodie and some leggings and got out of the bathroom.

- Camila! I'm so happy to see you!

The man hugged me and then he look away as he continued to talk.

- Uh Shawn told me about, well, you know. Anyways, my name is Andrew. I've been working with Shawn ever since he started with Island Record.

- Oh, uh, nice to meet you. Again?

- Yeah it's fine.

The conversation got interrupted by the knock on the door which I assumef was my assistant. I smile at Andrew.

- Sorry, I need to take this.

- It's fine we have things to do anyways.

- O.K

I ran at the door and opened it. There she was. My assistant was ready with two racks on dresses.

- Come on in!

I remembered her because she worked with me when I was in fifth harmony. We spend an hour choosing an outfit and talked about everything. It felt good to talk to a friend for once.

When she left, I went in the bathroom,  put on some makeup and curled my hair.

Shawn intered in the bathroom.

- Wow!

- What? Is it O.K?

- Are you kidding me? You look amazing!

I blushed.

- We have to go Camila.

We went outside of our hotel and entered in a specific car. We drove for about an hour and when we arrived at the late tate show, we went in our dressing room. Then someone knocked at the door so I opened it.

- James! OH MY GOD!

Shawn went behind me and put his arm on my back.

- Hi james!

- Hi you two. Are you ready for tonight?

- Yes we are, I answered.

- So Shawn told me he is going to sing his new single but Camila , I never got informed of what you are singing.

- Oh I actually just decided today! I'm going to sing Impossible.

- Nice! I have to go we have less then fifteen minutes before the show starts.

James left and I started to jump around. I texted my parents and told them about the show, they were as exited as I was.

Then, a bodyguard came to take me and Shawn and brought us backstage. I was litteraly squeezing Shawn's hand so hard that I wasn't sure if his blood circulation was fine.

After a while of Shawn and I freaking out backstage, well, more of me freaking out and him being really casual about it. Almost like it didn't affected him at all but I felt like there was something he wasn't telling me.

- So now let's welcome this young canadian singer, Shawn Mendes.

Shawn stepped out on stage like a pro. You could see that it was natural for him. After the crowd went a little less crazy, he started to sing a new song.

"I wanna follow where she goes, I think about her and she knows it"
" I love it when you go crazy,.."

It took me a while to fogure out, but the song was about me. I know that before my accident, I wasn't as shy and I was much of a crazy person. But I guess that Shawn liked me that way and he misses it. He knows I can get back to it if I let go. That's what I'm going to do.

- Up next, Camila Cabello!

As I step on stage, Shawn smiled at me whike exiting. He looked proud and I was happy to have his support.

I started to sing impossible. That song reminded me of the judges house at X factor. It got me in the feels. Those girls were my best friends, what could of happened? I was sad but also so proud of everything that I was able to acheive on my own and with Fifth Harmony. Deep down I knew that I would find a way to move on but it would be really hard.

Singing on stage was the most powerful experience and I was the happiest on earth for those couple of minutes. I felt like I wasn't controling me body. The song just lifted me up like I'd never been this free. When the crow went wild and that I was holding my microphone down, I realized that it was over. I wanted to go again so bad, but at least I knew that I gave my all.

When I turned around, I saw Shawn sitting on a couch, next to another couch that James was sitting on.
Shawn waved at me discretly so that I finally understood that I needed to go sit with them.

- So welcome Shawn and Camila, first of all congratulation.

- Thank you, we both said.

- So Camila I'd like to start by asking you, how have you been?

- Well, you know, I still have to adjust to everything, recovering is way harder that I was expecting but soon, it'll all work out.

I could see Shawn, staring at my hand, like he wanted to hold it.

- Oh, I see. And what about your debut solo album ? Will it come out soon?

- uh, I kind of took a break from studio and everything to recover because I want my mind to be a hundred pourcent in it if I do it. So I honestly don't know for now.

- Oh, O.K. What about you Shawn?

- Well, my third album is on the way and it'll come out soon. I'm really excited about it and it will be so much different than my other albums, I've worked so hard and I hope it will be liked by my fans.

- I'm sure it will, don't worry, said James. Now I want to know, the last time you were here I asked you if you guys were dating and you said no. Is it still like that?

I didn't say a word. I honestly didn't know what do to. Shawn took my hand. Oh no.

End of the nineth chapter.

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