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This chapter is when I started to question myself. Did I do something terrible or was all of this a big coincidence? It was the beginning of the end. Now let's see if it's going to be a good are a bad ending.

The fourth chapter.

I woke up in the middle of the night, in this bed that still didn't feel like mine. I looked around me and took a big breath because I felt so anxious for some reason. This was overwhelming to me, I couldn't calm myself. I got out of my bed and exited my room. Shawn was sleeping on the couch and there was empty bottles of beer on the table next to the couch. I knew this was hard for him to but I felt bad for it. I may not know what I did before my accident but one thing was sure, I did make the life of people around me harder.

Thinking of those lives that I changed in a bad way, I started crying, silently. I wasn't sure if I should've woke Shawn up but I did needed someone to clam me down and I didn't want to call my mother and make her even more worried.

- Shawn? I said with a trembling voice due to the fact that I was crying.

It took him some second to realize what was happening until he asked me;

- What's wrong honey?

- Shawn, I don't know what to do.

I was still crying.

- About what?

I put my face in my hands and broke down.

Shawn sat on the couch and took my hand to make me sit against him. He wrapped his arms around me and wiped off the tears that were on my cheeks.

- Don't worry, it'll get easier, ok?

- I don't know Shawn. I feel like I did something terrible.

He looked surprised and confused.

- What, what do you mean?

- I made your life and my family's life so much harder and I let my fans down. If I didn't had that car accident, everything would be fine.

- Oh! Uh... It was an accident Camila, don't feel bad. In fact, I think that the fact that you don't remember everything that happened last summer may get us closer.

- Why? What did I do last summer?

- Nothing. I mean, we had our ups and downs you know.

- Yeah.

Something about his facial expression told me that he wasn't telling me the truth. I didn't know what I did last summer. Maybe I did do something terrible but maybe it wasn't about the car crash. Or maybe it was? I was so confused but I couldn't ask Shawn about it, it felt like he didn't want me to remember. And what if he was the one who did something terrible? I had so many questions.

- Shawn?

- Yes Camila.

- Can we do something together tomorrow? I want to get to know you.

- Sure, we can.

- Don't you have to go to work tomorrow though?

- I can take a day off for you, it was a studio session. I can reschedule it.

- OK, are you sure it's fine?

- Yes, don't worry.

I felt bad for waking him up but he did calmed me. His arms around me felt like comfort. I stayed in his arms for about ten minutes and figured I should get some sleep.

- OK. I'm gonna go to sleep now.

- Camila, are you sure that you'll be fine?

- Yes, thank you.

- No problem and goodnight.

- Goodnight.

I went back in our room and sat in the bed. Obviously, this wasn't going to be a good night of sleep. I took my phone which was on the table next to my bed and went to see my text message. The last text that I received before my accident was from Shawn. It said:


I clicked on the conversation and scrolled up to see the whole thing.

( 00:56 ) Camila, you don't have to leave, we will figure it out

Yes, I do. ( 00:56 )

( 00:57 ) I need you, even if we hurt each other.

You didn't have to hide it from me, we both knew it. ( 00:58 )

( 00:59 ) I didn't tell you because I couldn't seem to keep you close or to let you go.

That's why you don't need me. ( 00:59 )

( 00:59 ) Yes I do need you Camila, come back.

( 01:02 ) Camila, answer me.

( 01:07) Answer me at least.

( 01:09 ) Fine, I'll leave you alone for today but I'm not giving up, I love you so much.


And that was the end of the last conversation I had my him. That was really weird. It looked like we both knew something that was tearing us apart and after an argument or something, I decided to leave. I scrolled up a little bit, wondering what all of this could be about but the rest of our chats were really normal.

And How come my cellphone was here when I got home, if I texted him before my car crash? Maybe it was way before? Maybe the hospital just gave it to him after they found me? I had so many questions about almost everything but I wasn't ready to hear all of it since it seemed really complicated. I figured I should let the time pass and learn about it in time. If Shawn was still hiding it from me, maybe it was better that way.

End of the fourth chapter.

I Know What You Did Last Summer || Shawn Mendes & Camila CabelloWhere stories live. Discover now