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I opened my eyes and saw a white lake. It was absolutely gorgeous. Even the trees were white. I had never seen anything like it. Then I turned around and saw a lady. She was beautiful. Her long blond hair reached her waist in ringlets and her eyes were a stunning sky blue.

"Where am I?" I asked

"You are in the spirit world". She replied.

"Why" I asked

"Because you were destined for great things child. You are probably wondering why you are in the naruto world. Well you were mean't to be there. You see you are from a very powerful but forgotten clan. That clan was the raven clan.They were all wiped out 6 years ago. Except you."

Suddenly memories started coming back to me.

I was 5 years old andi lived in a small village. I was considerd an outsider because I was an albino.All of the childeren made fun of me. Except for Daisuke. He would always rescue me from the mean kids, even if they made fun of him too. I remember one horrible day exactly.


"you should leave this village devil child" said a kid

"yea or better yet why cant you just die and put everyone else out of their misery". said another kid

I tried to run away but I tripped and hurt my knee.

"Aww is the poor demon hurt do you want your mommy."

They kept calling me names until Daisuke came.

"Hey leave her alone" He said.

"Look her little boyfriend showed up. Maybe you should keep your girlfriend from looking at us."

Daisuke took me home and wrapped my knee. My mother wasn't home from work yet so Daisuke stayed with me.

"Hey when we're older im going to marry you. Then I can protect you from anything."

"Really?" I giggled my 5 year old brain not really understanding what marrage was.

"Really and we can live in a huge mansion and have a garden that you can grow. I'm sure your butterfly would love that". He said

My butterfly's name was Yurei because she looked like a ghost butterfly. He had white transparent wings. We talked until my mom got home and Daisuke went back to his house. After I went to bed I heard shouting from downstairs. My parents were arguing again. When my dad got drunk all he would do was sit around and bark orders to my mom. However this was different. I walked downstairs and a bag was suddenly wrapped around me. I was carried outside and thrown on the ground. The person took the bag off of me and I saw that I was outside of the village. My mom was crying and pleading with the village elder.

"Please don't take my baby from me" She said

I didn't understand what was going on so I asked

"Mommy whats going on?"

She looked at me and ran to the village. A man picked me up and threw me in a hole. I tried climbing out but I couldn't. Then I saw Daisukes head look in the hole.

"Daisuke help me". He looked conflicted about something. The elder handed Daisuke a shovel.

"You know what you have to do. It's for the good of the village". Said the elder.

"Please dont make me do this" Daisuke pleaded," I can't do it."

"You can and will do it unless you want to join her". The elder said.

Daisuke looked at me with pity in his eyes.

' I'm sorry' He mouthed.

Then he started shoveling dirt into the hole.

I looked at him with betrayal, but he kept putting the dirt in until I couldn't breath and I could only see through one eye.

' But it's my birthday' I thought ' And we were supposed to get married'

A lone tear slipped out of my eye. Then it went black.


That was so depressing to write. I was crying. I sort of took Ai's past from jigoku shojo. It wasn't as long as i wanted it but it still turned out good.

The story of me...AND THE SUPER COOL NARUTO WORLD!!!!!!!! DisconinuedWhere stories live. Discover now