Chapter 5.

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- Why are you still alive?
Wow, that was fast. All I had to do was walk into the building and the first bully approached me. I turned around with a tense body and met eyes with Magnus own chihuahua, Raphael Santiago. He stared at me with so much hate in his eyes and all I could do was stare back. I knew that if I would open my mouth, he would probably beat me up until I laid on the floor, bleeding to death.
- I asked you a question, you idiot. Why are you still alive? Raphael asked again with an angry voice
- I don't know, I whispered and felt how tears slowly started making their way down my pale cheeks
- Aren't you pathetic? Come on, not even your siblings cares about you. You should hear what Jace says about you behind your back
- You're lying, I answered
I knew that he wasn't, but I couldn't handle the truth. Does Jace really hate me so much that he trash talks me behind my back? Especially to people like Raphael Santiago?
- Why would I lie to you when I like to see you suffer so much?
- Screw you, I said underneath my breath, but before I got the chance to turn around and walk away from my problems like always, Raphael's fist connected with my jaw
The punch came so fast that I lost my balance and stumbled backwards and ended up on the cold floor.
- You should show me some fucking respect, Raphael screamed
I could tell that he was about to punch me again, but just as he raised his first, someone grabbed his arm and pulled him back with force.
- I wouldn't do that if I were you
I looked up from where I was sitting and saw how Mr. Garroway held Raphael in a tight grip. For the first time in forever, I'm actually extremely happy to see my teacher because if it wasn't for him, Raphael would have hit me again and again.
- Mr. Santiago, the principal office, now and don't you dare try to sneak yourself out of this situation, Mr. Garroway said and looked at the bully he still had in a tight grip
- Yes, Raphael answered with a low voice, but before he walked away, he looked at me with angry eyes
When I no longer could see Raphael, I stood up from the floor and placed my hand on my still hurting jaw.
- Are you okay? Mr. Garroway asked and looked at me with worried eyes
- Yeah, I stuttered
- Look, I know that you're not that happy about the fact that you have to do this stupid project with Mr. Bane, but I know that you can teach him a thing or two. Trust me, there is a lot of potential in that boy
- Potential? Have you met even him? Magnus doesn't care about anyone else than himself and his stupid girlfriend, I answered
- Please give him a chance, okay? Some people are hiding their true feelings behind a very tough layer, Mr. Garroway said and placed one of his hands on my shoulder
- Whatever
When I had collected myself completely, Mr. Garroway and I walked together into the classroom where everyone already was waiting for us. Magnus was sitting on the exact same chair as he did yesterday and when he saw me, he smirked. Without looking at anyone, I walked to the back of the classroom and carefully sat down on the chair beside him. My jaw was still hurting a lot and I could tell that I would have bruise at the end of the day.
- I want you all to start on your projects today, Mr. Garroway said
I felt how Magnus stared at me and when I turned my head to the right so our eyes met, the annoying smirk on his lips only grew bigger.
- What? I asked
- I know that you think that you can talk to me, but if you say one word to me outside these four walls, I'm going to tear your pretty face off. Understand? Magnus asked
- Yes, I answered and focused my gaze on something that wasn't him
- Good, he said with his cocky voice
We weren't working much that lesson, or at least not Magnus. I tried to come up with different subjects that we could base our project on, but nothing caught my attention. When the bell finally rang, signalling that the class was finished, I felt like crying. I had survived a whole lesson with Magnus Bane by my side.
- Mr. Lightwood, Mr. Bane, can you guys wait a minute? Mr. Garroway asked and yet again, my heart started beating a lot faster
What the hell did he want now? Couldn't he just understand that I don't want to be here anymore? Especially not with someone who would shoot me if he got the chance?
- I want you guys to get to know each other better. This project is important for the both of you and if you're going to keep throwing mean comments at each other, you won't get the highest grade
- I don't got the time for some stupid kindergarten games, okay? I have soccer training and a lot of other things to do, Magnus answered
- Remember what I told you yesterday, Mr. Bane? If you don't get an A, your soccer career is over
Once again, Magnus had a worried look on his face when Mr. Garroway mentioned soccer and how this whole project can affect his position as the captain of the team.
- I want you guys to meet up after school today and get to know each other over a coffee or what you teenagers enjoy doing these days
- Fine, Magnus said and before I even got the chance to answer, he had already left the classroom
- Is it too late to change partner? I asked and felt how I blushed
- Unfortunately, yes, but just like I told you before, give him a chance, Mr. Garroway answered
I left the classroom only minutes later and felt how my whole world came crushing down. First I get abused by Raphael Santiago and then I have to hang out with Magnus after school so we can get to know each other. What the hell did I do to deserve this? Well, all I could do know was pray that Magnus wouldn't kill me.

// TBC \\

Q: How will Magnus and Alec's coffee meet up end?🙈

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