Chapter 1.

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I have never hated a place as much as I hate high school. It's the worst place on Earth and I would honestly rather getting dragged down to Hell by evil hellhounds than having to go through one more day inside those walls that only causes me so much pain. The worst part isn't the long lessons or the disgusting food that we get everyday. No, the worst part is that no matter how much I try to keep myself invisible, the bullies always finds me. At first, they only called me names when they passed me in corridors, but now it's much worse. The day the bullies found out I was gay, they didn't satisfy them self enough by only throwing disgusting words at me. Instead, they started to throw punches at me and even though I came home almost everyday with bruises, no one seemed to care, not even my family. I have three siblings that I love more than anything, but they don't even seem to care enough about me to ask if I'm okay. Izzy is two years younger than me and Jace, our adoptive brother, is the same age as me. Max, our little brother, is eight years younger than me and for what it looks like, he's having the time of his life. Izzy and Jace are both going to my school, but they usually keep their distance. Honestly, no one wants to be seen with me, not even my siblings. If you think that my siblings are bad, you should see my parents. Mum is a hardworking nurse at hospital a couple of hours from where we live and dad is a lawyer, which basically means that he's never home. Both of my parents are extremely strict and working their asses off to keep a good reputation to our last name. I guess that keeping the Lightwood name going is more important than the mental health of one family member. Well, it's not like they now that I'm in pain anyways. I'm hiding every damn bruise on body with makeup and every time I cry, I make sure that I do it in the shower so no one can hear me. I know, ain't I pathetic? One good thing though is that no one in my family knows that I'm gay. I swear to god, if they would find out, they would kick me out of the house. My dad is extremely homophobic and every time he sees someone who belongs to the HBTQ+ family, he says disgusting things about them. Somehow it's better that the bullies knows that I'm gay and not my family, because no matter how hard I try not to think about it, I know the the pain my family would cause me if they found out is much worse than any punch a bully can throw. I'm not saying that every bully in the school are beating me until I'm laying almost dead on the floor. There are some bullies at the school who are only leaving notes in my locker, saying that I should kill myself or that I'm a worthless piece of shit. For example, Magnus Bane. He has been bullying me for as long as I can remember, but he has never ever laid a finger on me. Magnus is the captain of the soccer team and the most popular guy in school. Everyone seems to love him no matter what he do, but honestly, I can see why. Magnus is absolutely stunning with his raven black hair and beautiful eyes. I won't lie, I have had a crush on him for a very long time and even though he calls me things that I won't ever be able to forget, I can't stop imagining being in a relationship with him. Unfortunately, he has a girlfriend and is probably straight as a fucking measuring ruler. Camille Belcourt, the most popular girl in school. They have been together for almost a year now and everyone idols them. Well, everyone except me. I know the truth about Camille. She's a evil bitch and even though I don't want to admit it, she's going to break Magnus heart one day. Fine, I shouldn't care about him or his feelings since he obviously doesn't care about me, but I can't help it. Every time he looks at me, I get butterflies in my stomach. It doesn't matter anyways. I'm nothing more than a victim of bullying in his eyes. I'm a disappointment who can't make anyone proud. Not my siblings, not my teachers, not even my parents. I barely have any friends in school except for one. His name is Simon Lewis and just like me, he's an outcast. Simon moved here only a couple of months ago and everyone immediately hated him. I can't blame them though. He's a little bit weird with his constantly movie references and his overhyped mind, but I'm extremely happy that I have him in my life, because honestly, if I would have been completely alone in this world, I probably would have ended my life a very long time ago.

// TBC \\

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