|| 2. period 2: haechan ||

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minhee's P.O.V.

ms. chong or whatever the teacher's name is, introduced me into the class. everyones eyes were on me, some girls whispering, some guys smirking. i spotted haechan in the third row and my smile widened. the teacher told me to sit next to "mr. lee" and she pointed at the boy sitting by himself in the back. she handed me the uniform and i took it. yellow! you gotta be kidding me. i slowly walked to my seat and haechan playfully hit me. he was excited to see me, and i was excited to see him.

i sat down in the chair and my partner just stared at me. i broke his trance and smiled.

"hi im minhee." i put out my hand.

he shook my hand, focusing on my eyes. "h-hey, I'm mark lee, call me mark." he sounded nervous, it was cute.

haechan vigorously turned his head and gave me a big hug across the table.

"minmin! i missed you so much!" he exclaimed. i hugged back.

"i missed you too!"

"i see you already met mark. he's in our group. you'll be hanging out with us, right?" he pleaded.

oh god, those puppy eyes. "is that okay with you guys?" i asked.

"of course." mark smiled.

i turned to him. "since we are going to be hanging out, you can call me min-min" i smiled.

"okay, min-min."

mark's P.O.V.

she's so- she's just- ugh i can't find any words. i can hear everyone talking about her. 2 minutes in and she's the new school topic. she's unbelievably nice, her voice isn't squeaky or too high or too low. it was smooth, as if you could fall asleep just listening to her talk. and min-min?! thats the cutest name ever. oh god whats happening to me. i started up a new conversation.

"how do you like the school so far?"

"its clean, and nice. but i was only here for 5 minutes." she said.

"can i see your schedule?" i asked.

she nodded, then handed me a piece of paper with all her information.

i skimmed through the paper and turns out, we almost have the exact same classes together. sweet.

"we almost have the exact same classes together!" i exclaimed.

her eyes beamed and she smiled.

"can i sit next to you?" she nervously asked.

i don't know why, but that made my stomach a little queasy, in a good way.

"yeah, of course." i smiled back at her.

"lucky, i only have 3 classes with you." haechan whined.

she laughed, it was a cute laugh. " its better than nothing."


class went on and ms. chung started to teach us the lesson she had planned. i glanced at minhee a few times, taking notes. her handwriting is so neat, it literally looks like a computer's letters. she decorated the notes creatively with different colored highlighters and some calligraphy headings. i didn't notice she caught me staring at her taking notes.

she giggled to herself as my face turned a little pink from getting caught. she leaned in towards me.

"you're not going to pass the test if you don't stop staring at my notes." she said.

she pushed her notebook in front of me. "read what you missed." she pointed at the page.

shocked by the gesture, i stared at her as she rested her chin on the heel of her hand, paying attention to ms. chung.


class was over and it was time for period 2! PE! haechan and minhee had the same PE class as me, oh how much fun is this going to be. i went inside the boys locker room, changing into my shirt and shorts. i overheard several conversations about minhee, saying how hot she is, and how smart she is. i met haechan in front of the boys PE locker room and we proceeded to walk outside to sit down with the class. a few minutes later, minhee came out with her PE uniform on. AND MAN. HER BODY. she has quite the body. call me a perv, but her butt was the perfect size, really good shape, and her boobs were just the right size for her body. you could tell she didn't stuff her bra or anything, it was all natural.

all the boys were smirking and whispering to each other. all the girls were gossiping too.

"oh my god her body"

"why can't mine look like that?"

those were some things i heard girls and boys say.

"minhee-ah! over here!" haechan called out.

she spotted us and walked towards our way. she sat down next to me. we started to talk to each other then the teacher came.

"today we are going to track race." the teacher announced.

everyone groaned, except minhee, hechan, and i. everyone hates running, but not haechan. he's the fastest runner in the WHOLE school. the teacher split us into pairs that would be racing against each other. i got paired with a random boy who i didn't know, and haechan and minhee were paired together. ooh, good luck minhee.

the pairs raced one by one, as the coach captured their time on the stop watch. it was my turn to race. i won against the boy with a time of 10.08 seconds (for 100 meters). haechan and minhee cheered me on while running, that gave me a little motivation. the last ones to race were haechan and minhee. the teacher knew haechan was the best runner, i feel bad that minhee had to race against him, especially on her FIRST day.

"3...2...1..." the teacher counted off.

i expected for haechan to zoom past her, but no. it was the opposite. MINHEE WENT PAST HAECHAN BY LIKE A METER. everyone put their hands on their mouths because we were in shock. no one was able to beat haechan in the 100 meter dash... until today. the new girl beat him. you could see haechan's confused and shocked expression as he finished running behind her. even the teacher was shocked herself.

"5.07 seconds." the coach announced. everyone, including me, including haechan, gasped.

"a new record."

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