The boy who I was fighting told me his name was Sigurd.

We walked up to the arena and bowed and started fighting.

I was doing well. Sigurd was acceptional. He could improve.

I thrusted forwards and he gave scared so it gave me the opportunity to knock the sword out of his hand. My sword then went to his throat.

"Yes!!! Finally someone to beat your ass!" The blue eyed boy said.

"What do you do?" I asked him.

"Archery" he smirked.

"What's your name." I asked him.

"Ivar. I challenge you to an archery fight." He said.

"Accepted." I said.

"Ladies first." He said.

"That's why I am waiting." I smirked.

I heard laughs.

Ivar rolled his eyes then shot a bulls eye.

He looked at me and said, "Your turn."

He then looked at his brothers and talked to them.

I concentrated and shot. My eyes were closed and I then opened the to hear wood splitting.

Ivar turned and said, "Not possible."

"I think you just met you match brother." Said Ubbe, Sigurd, and Hvitserk.

Ivar had his jaw dropped and quickly recovered when the man I remember to be Ragnar said, "Seems you have son."

"Come. We must explore Kattegat later. We have a feast to attend." Ragnar said.

We quickly ran to the hall.

People had already filled it. I quickly spotted my father and ran to him.

"Thana. I have to be leaving soon. You will have to be safe here. The Gods and I will look after you. I promise. We already know your future. You will be fine." Father said.

I slowly started to cry. "Who will take care of me father?"

"King Ragnar and Queen Aslaug have agreed to take care of you like their own. I swear to the gods you will see me again."

"Yes father." I said quickly drying my tears.

"We have had a very special guest join us but he will sadly be leaving soon. His daughter is the age of my boys but she can fight better than all of them and some of my men. I want to see if she is strong and smart enough to join me on my next raid." He announced.

"Father did you do this?" I asked.

"Yes I did. You are like an older sheildmaiden. You will be challenged though. Tomorrow I believe." Father said smiling.

"I am 8." I said.

"I know." He smiled.

"What do you say Thana?" Ragnar asked.

"I say yes." I said.

"Good. The fight starts tomorrow." He said smiling.

I grinned. Everyone cheered and I walked over to Ragnar's sons.

"I am younger than all of you. I am 8. And I an going to fight a man tomorrow!?" I said surprised.

"Turn you fear and pain into anger. It helps. That tis always what I do." Ivar said.

I looked into his eyes and smiled. He smiled back.

Ubbe interrupted and said, "Mother told me you will be sleeping with us in our hut. Tis this true?"

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