They all tried to get me to open the door but I refused, just staring at the box, afraid of what was inside. So I left it untouched while my mind raced thinking about everything and nothing.

I find this whole week funny, living in a house with Mafia men and I decide to lock myself in a room when I know full well that they can get in if they wanted to, and they did.

The first person to break in was Alonza, I haven't seen her in a while and as much as I wanted to catch up with her, I wasn't tin the mood to talk. She place the clothes that she brought in the closet before she left the lock clicking back in place.

The second person to break in was Alfanso. He was banging on the door treating to break it down if I didn't open up, he was out on business and just got back in and wanted sweets and as much as my hands itched to bake again, I didn't move.

'Hey doll, don't do this to me. Wait, why are you in here this isn't your room, what -' it went silent for some time before I heard a thumbing sound and Alfanso cussing.

'Leave her alone Alfanso,'

'But -'

'No buts, fuck off.' I heard grumbling and footsteps fading before the sound came back to the door and Alfanso shouted out. 'It was all the boss' fault, he forbid us from telling you -ouch, that hurt you idiot.'

'Good.' Marcello said as the footsteps both faded away.

The third person surprised me as I watch her walk in the room with a tray in her hands. Elethia gave me a small smile before spinning the lock and exiting the room.

And at nights when I should be sleeping, I hear him outside the door, just talking about anything. He would talk about his day at the office, how his meetings he misses me. I would sit with my back to the door and listen to him talk for hours before he gets up and walk away. My heart being frantically with panic when his footstep faded away but I never dared to open the door.

But now I am, because I need him. I need Xiden.

Looking down at my feet taking one step before the other my heart started pounding relentlessly in my chest. Climbing down the stairs I could hear talking coming from the direction of the dining room. Talking a deep shakey breath I walk in and everything went silent.

Swallowing the lump forming in my throat I look up to see everyone looking at me and I quickly look to the ground, afraid of the emotion I would see in their eyes.

"Good morning," I mumble softly, playing with the end of my dress as a bundle of nerves set off throughout my body.

This was a bad idea.

"Boss left earlier, if you want to see him he's at the office," Marcello spoke up and my gaze snaps to his dark grey eyes, "It's about time you left that room, he's been giving everyone hell in your absence."

At his words my face falls into a frown once again, "It's alright Amira, I mean Isabelle - ugh..." He trails of not knowing what to call me.

"It's okay, you can still call me Amira," I gave him a small smile in reassurance before Enrico and Alessandro walks up at both of my sides, both of them giving me a barely there smile.

"Why don't you go put on your shoes and we'll take you to him." Alessandro says softly. "Okay."

I rushed up the stairs and pull on my brown sandals, combing my fingers through my wavy hair then descending the stairs to meet Alessandro and Enrico at the bottom waiting for me. They escort me to a black ranger roved with tinted windows, opening the back door for me to enter and closing it when I was seated securely inside. They both got in the two front seats with Enrico behind the wheel and then we were off.

"Can I ask you guys a question?"

"Go ahead Amira."

"I know it's a lot to be my babysit me all the time and especially with my recent behaviour and with what Marcelo said about Xiden giving you guys a hard time this pass week, it's just, I'm sorry for all that and if he especially gave you guys a harder time -"

Enrico chuckling cut me off of my rambling and a light blush coated my cheeks as I bit into my bottom lip. "It's fine Amira. It's actually an honour to guard, no, to protect our boss' woman. You are important to this family more than you think and anyone of us in the family will do anything to keep you safe. Do you know how many of the men in the estate volunteered to 'babysit' you..." Enrico says.

"It was actually quite funny see all the sad faces when the boss man announced that we would be your gaurds. Imagine men who kill for a living looking as if someone stole their puppies...what a fuckinv sight." Alessandro finishes with a chuckle, "Anyways what was your question?"

"Forget it," I said with a happy smile, "everything is alright."

A few minutes later we pull up to Luciano and Co. Getting out of the car, I said a small thank you to Enrico who open the door for me. Alessandro is walking in front of me with Enrico behind me as we walk into the building.

Inside everything was so organized and tidy, everything seems perfect, down to the reflection on the well polished floor.

We walked straight towards the elevator without anyone stopping us, we all entered and press the top floor where Xiden's office is. The ride up felt nerve wrecking, the soft elevator music doing nothing to calm my nerves. It feels like I'm in trouble and I'm going to the principals office but this principal is my boyfriend and that makes it even worst.

The elevator opens with an empty hall, his secretary nowhere to be seen. I took a deep breath and step out of the elevator first with the twins following behind me, I walk up to his office door with what little confidence that I had left and knock on the door. His deep, cold voice calls out a stern 'come in', I turn to Alessandro and Enrico and gave them both a forced smile before entering the room and closing it behind me.

Roberto's POV

I sat in the burned building with a bottle of whiskey in my hand and a picture frame in the other.

She looked so happy in the photo.

Her smile bright, her hair and skin glowing in the sun like an angel in front of the camera.

Why did it have to be like this.

It could have turned out differently.

We could have been happy together. I wanted that for us.

I sniffle as I wipe the tears away from my eyes, before taking a long swig from the almost empty bottle. The only thing that can numb the aching feeling in my chest.

I wanted to go, I wanted to go with her but I can't. I have something to do, I have someone waiting on me, here.

With that thought in mind, I place the photo in the middle of the burned building, placing the empty bottle of whiskey beside it before standing on my feet and brushing off the debris from my black slacks.

I took a finally look at the picture before walking out.

My phone ringing stopped me from entering my car, "Start the plan, I need to get her soon." Is all I said before hanging up the phone and placing it back in my pocket, catching a glimpse of my face in the tinted car glass and a smile curved on my lips.

I'm ready, to go against the godfather for my love and won't even know what hit him.

Soon, my darling Isabelle, I'll have you soon.

I don't really like this chapter much. I've written it three time and ended up deleting it said three time.

Anyways I'm keeping a small competition. The first person to guess Roberto's true identity will be featured in the book as a surprise character and you can customize your character too.

Leave your answers in the comments and I'll message the winner.

As always fireflies, vote, comment and share.

Xoxo J

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