Chapter 1

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*Annabelle 's Point of View*

It was another Monday on the Isle of the Lost, like any other Monday I was with my crew walking around the Isle. This crew was made up of five members; Craig the son of Maleficent, Mal the daughter of Maleficent, Evie the daughter of the Evil Queen, Urson the son of Ursula, and me the daughter of Cruella De Vil. At the moment the four of us watched as Mal walked up to a child before taking her candy and rejoining us. The four of us laughed at the child's expense while Mal just twirled around the candy she stole.

"They say I'm trouble. They say I'm bad. They say I'm evil. And that makes me glad." Mal began to sing as she walked off. The four of us just stared before shrugging, deciding this action was normal enough not to need to be called out at all.

"A dirty no good. Bad to the bone. Your worst nightmare, can't take me home." I sang as I began to walk off, joining in on the song Mal began.

"So what? There's mischief in my blood. Can you blame me? I never got no love." Evie sang as she began to walk off, also joining in on the song.

"They think I'm callous. A low-life hood. I feel so useless. Misunderstood." Urson sang as he began to walk off, now having everyone joining in on the song. At this point all five of us were standing alongside Mal, the five of us now in front of a gate.

"Mirror Mirror on the wall, who is the baddest of them all? Welcome to our wicked world, wicked world." All five of us sang out as we grabbed hold of the fence. After that line each of us began down an alley attached to the gate. "I'm rotten to the core, rotten to the core, I'm rotten to the core, core who could ask for more?" We sang all together as we proceeded down the alley. As we exited the alleyway all five of us split down different paths.

"Call me a schemer, call me a freak. How can you say that?I'm just unique."Mal sang as she proceed over to a group of people. She took a spray can from one of the people, and began to spray paint a blanket hanging near by, creating the first letter of her name on it. Once done she admired her work quickly before she began to sing again, beginning to walk off once more.

"What, me a traitor? Ain't got your back? Are we not friends? What's up with that?" I sang as I quickly ran up to a random man, snatching the item in his hands right from him. He did not seem pleased with me, but did nothing as I ran away from him, tossing the item far away from me as I went.

"So I'm a misfit, so I'm a flirt, I broke your heart, I made you hurt." Evie sang as she went over to a random teen who was leaning against a wall. She made a flirty like gesture to him before winking at him, and walking away with a skip in her step.

"The past is past." Urson sang as he walked over to a table, hopping on top of his. He walked across it, people having to lift their meals way as he walked pass.

"Forgive, forget." Craig told to the people at the table Urson was walking across. They look annoyed at him so he simply flipped them off before walking along the table after Urson. "The truth is, you ain't seen nothing yet."

"Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who's the baddest of them all? Welcome to my wicked world, wicked world. I'm rotten to the core, core. Rotten to the core I'm rotten to the core, core. Who could ask for more? I'm nothing like the kid next, like the kid next door. I'm rotten to the, I'm rotten to the, I'm rotten to the core." We sang as we came back together, now having finished the last of the song. We high-fived between each other once, but as we went to do it again Maleficent appeared. The five of us took a playful, but secretly serious and fearful stance upon noticing her.

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