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Hey guys, its me georgina. sorry for the sad emoticon. I was gonna write a happy chapter about these little unborn hatched pigeons i found but recently my mom found my stardoll account and she saw all the people i was talking to on there, including boys, so she decided to delete my account.

She said it was for my own "safety" whatever that means. Like i trust the people on there with everything, including my phone number and my life. Clearly they're good people.

So if you're one of my friends on there please dont worry, I'll make a new account and we can continue swapping wigs and stuff like we used to.

It's going to be harder to keep my future account a secret though because my mom now has the password for my computer so she'll be checking it every once in a while so i might not be as active on there as i used to.

This really sucks, when i found out what my mother did i sobbed my heart out. I never cried this much, even when my dad left.

Anyway, my heart will mend i guess. Its just a matter of time. Bye

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