shampoo alternatives

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Hello! Patty here again, and today I'm going to talk about why laundry detergent is better than shampoo and what brand is best and what to avoid!

1. Gain is the worst because it makes your hair wrinkle up and it doesn't really do a good job at cleaning your hair at all.

2. Ajax is okay but you have to really scrub it in to get all the dirt and grime out.

3. Persil is decent, it washes your hair thoroughly but only after two tries.

4. Dawn is a great alternative if you want to save money, but it may make your hair fade a little, but it is effective.

5. Tide is the best, it doesn't make your hair fade, but you may have to wash your hair twice to fully bring out its true potential.

That's all that I have, feel free to add anything! :)

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