Im a gamer girl and it sucks

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Its georgy here and yes im a gamer girl.

I've been one for quite a long time now, since i was 11 when my brother gave me his minecraft account.

Of course i changed the skin so it looks like a girl but that was the problem.

When people know your a gamer girl all the boys go after you.
Every time i join a server there's boys always around me but the worst part is that they dont even have a skin.
Its just minecraft steve. Probably because they didn't pay 25$ for it like a normal gamer.

Stupid pirates, always stealing. How do you expect the creators to make any money????? They're probably living under a bridge or next to a dumpster right now, all because of you!!

Like all i want to do is play skywars but not even that i can do peacefully, they always go after me first because im a girl! Like they think im the weak one and the easiest target! As if! im just as good as all the boys, you're just not giving me a chance to prove myself.

But if they dont kill me at first they let me win! Because im a girl and they don't think i have the skills to kill them. Being the pigs they are they think it will make me happy. But guess what?
It doesnt! It makes me MAD.

Its not fair! Minecraft should have this rule where boys cant go next to girls unless the girl allows it.

This has to stop. It makes me cry at night because its so scary! Im basically being sexually harassed. Maybe even worse than that because they get away with it.

And it's not just minecraft. Its roblox, club penguin rewritten, even stardoll!!

If you're one of the boys who does this, curse you.
I hope one day the tables turn and all this harassment happens to you.

Anyway, this is why i hate being a gamer girl.


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