Chapter 2: New Guys

Start from the beginning

Jisung kept running and yanking her in all directions, "You'll find out in a few seconds just shut up." She looked back and saw Minsee following just behind the two of them.

Soon they all stopped and Jisung released her death grip from Y/N's sore and now red wrist. It took her a few seconds to rub the tender area before she looked up and noticed a massive crowd of people, looking at something, or someone.

Jisung groaned and grabbed her sore wrist again before shoving people out of the way to make it to the front of the crowd of screaming and giggling girls. A few of them snuck rude glances and remarks at them pushing through as if it was the line for a rollercoaster.

When they reached the front they were met with the backs of two unfamiliar men. At first Y/N was confused, until the man with the light, ashy-blonde hair turned his figure around to face the other side of the swarm, meeting eyes with them for a split second. The girls behind them let out an ear-piercing yell loud enough for her to bust an ear drum.

She couldn't help but stare at the ever so elegant and charming man in front of her. He was truly ethereal, with eyes so light blue it was almost like looking at the sky above, eyes that turned into crescents when he smiled. Surely they were contacts, he must have had something done. No one was that perfect, Y/N thought to herself.

'Well, if this one is so goddamn beautiful, surely the other one has to be average'', or so she thought before the other man, who was slightly taller, turned himself around.

Just when she thought she was done having a heart attack, there's another stunner here to destroy her physically. While the first man was shorter and more elegant, this man seemed much more clean cut and handsome. He was sporting dark, silver-brown hair and had rounder and bluer eyes that the first. His face was very angular and was framed by a beautiful body smile. While the platinum blonde male had eyes like the sky, this one had eyes as deep and blue as looking 300 metres deep into the Pacific Ocean.

It was so easy to get lost in those beautiful eyes, so much so that Y/N hadn't completely realised that those two gorgeous men had approached her and Jisung and were waving their hands in front of their faces in confusion. She shook her head and snapped back to reality, shakily holding out her hand.

The shorter one grabbed Y/N's hand and shook it as she internally combusted. "The name's Park Jimin." He'd said in a higher pitched voice that actually started to make him look more adorable. She could tell he wasn't trying at all to look hot, but there was something about him that just out you in a trance with him. Park Jimin, you said to yourself.

The taller had also grabbed her hand to shake it and grinned at her reaction. She noticed this man's hands were giant compared to the other. "And I'm Kim Taehyung." Ohhhhh, shit. The second those words rolled off his mouth Y/N felt like putty.

She never expected such a deep voice to come out of such a lively man, it was unexpected, but the good unexpected. His voice did definitely matched the deep blue of his eyes though.

"Y-Y/N. I'm Y/N." She stutters slightly and shakes their hands. "What brings you here?" She asked politely and maturely, unlike the other screaming and fainting girls.

Jimin piped up at this question "Well Y/N, we transferred from another university to continue our courses here. We heard this place is one of the best." He chuckled slightly and went backed to walking around the rim of the crowd. She knew this was a white lie because there were better universities out there, but she shrugged it off nevertheless.

At this point she noticed a lot of the girls had left and those remaining were death glaring her from all angles. All the attention began to make her more uncomfortable, to which Taehyung noticed.

He cleared his throat and spoke again in his chocolate smooth voice "Ladies, shouldn't you all be in class by now, we'd be quite mad if you missed your classes now wouldn't we?" At that instant all the girls that swarmed the new boys had sprinted off to their classes. She scoffed at his naive and thirsty this girls were, even though you secretly knew you felt the same.

Y/N had no idea why the boys had any interest in her, but she wasn't complaining. They could become a new part of her small group and maybe even a little more later on down the track.

I guess only time will tell

A/N: Hope you liked this next chapter! I tried to make it a little longer for you guys. I may not update the most regularly because I'm currently in Year 12 (Senior year). Soooo studies yaaaaaay.. but either way be sure to favourite and comment <3

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