A second chance

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Genji had tried to make out a few plans in his schedule for a chance to meet up with Zenyatta once more. Though each time he had tried to work it all out, something had to come in the way. After about a week or two of constant changes, Genji had found a day in which he could meet and talk with his somewhat tutor. During those two or so weeks he had worked on his confession, asking for advice from Mercy, Hanzo, and even from Mccree, who he hadn't contacted in forever. They all said similar things, to keep calm, and to not hesistate or go too far with it. Soon the day had come, Genji had called up Zenyatta early that morning and they had agreed to meet up at a breatfast joint. When Genji arrived, Zenyatta was already seated and in wait. Genji had suddenly became rather nervous seeing his sensei there, but he took a deep breath and walked in, being seated across from the other.
     "I'm glad that we have a chance to meet up again, master." Genji spoke, a soft smile laying upon his face.
"Indeed, There have been many in need of my assistance, luckily i've managed to get it in order." Zenyatta too had a small smile on his face. "What are you ordering? I'll likely get whatever you're having."
"Well I was just going to get a few pancakes with eggs and bacon on the side and a cup of milk." He explained, "Maybe we could share it, if you want.. I don't think i'm able to finish much." He suggested.
"Very well, I don't mind." They both ended up ordering the one meal and ate together, discussing about their weekends and what they've been up to. When they were nearly done, Genji had built up a small amount of courage. As they paid and got up to leave, he had pulled Zenyatta aside and asked to talk. Of course, Zenyatta was open for conversation.

((I am so sorry its a little short and left off but Ive been caught up with alot and its pretty hard trying to come up with a few things here so please bare with me—)

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