Inner peace

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Ontop of a mountain sat Genji. Who had sat himself under a cherry blossom tree as he was to medidate. The green haired male felt troubled at the moment, and the only thing that he knew how to handle this was to meditate. His eyes shut and his posture straight, he began to slowly inhale the fresh air. He exhaled and repeated the process and eventually his troubling thoughts had faded away. If it weren't for his tutor, Zenyatta, he would likely would have never found his inner peace.
Soon enough he felt his body become a little lighter. The more he breathed, the more his troubles were washed away. Soon enough he was laid back against the tall trunk of the tree and opened his eyes after sensig a familiar presence. Once his eyes were opened, he saw the one and only, Zenyatta. As usual, he had his orange saffron and his nine 'orbs' that had strung around his neck and of course, a wide smile that laid upon his face.
Genji soon sat up straight and faced his tutor and bowed in respect, getting the same respectful bow back. They sat aside each other in silence, that is until one was to speak.
     "Was something troubling you my student?" Zenyatta questioned, his voice smooth and peaceful. Genji didn't respond for a bit, but eventually he nodded.
     "Yes, many things were bothering me today. So, I've decided to come and meditate here, where I am unbothered and most comfortable." He explained, staring forward, before slowly turning his head to his master.
     "I see, I am glad that you have used what I've taught you. Hopefully the meditation had worked?" Zenyatta too had turned to face his student. In response, Genji had nodded once more, giving a small sigh as he resumed to face forward.
     "How was your day, sensei?"
     "It was a rather rough day, the events that go on in the other places of the world sadden me. Due to the fact that I cannot help the ones who are in great danger.." Zenyatta shook his head, crossing his legs and placing his hands on his knees.
     "I'm sorry that you are feeling that way at the moment, care to meditate?" Genji asked, the concern clear in his eyes.
     "Of course, there is a reason why I have come here in the first place, my student." Zenyatta smiled, sitting himself straight and closing his eyes, Genji following along with him. Soon they began meditating together, as they did in their training. Their slow breaths became in sync with each others.

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