Wondering Thoughts

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After a quiet time of meditation together, they had parted and went their separate ways. Genji returned to his home, in which he had recognized the familiar scent of tradional breakfast. He soon entered and headed towards the kitchen, where he found Hanzo, working his way around and having cooked a meal. He didn't seem to notice Genji, that is until he had turned and met eyes with his younger brother.
"Where have you gone off to this time?" He asked, his voice was firm. Genji walked forward and sat down.
"Off to meditate near the tree."
     "I see, You should at least alert me, I was worried about you." Hanzo let out a sigh, bringing a bowl of miso soup, along with two smaller sized bowls filled with rice which was accompanied by natto.
     "I apologize, brother. I'll be sure to leave a note next time." Genji assured, thanking his brother for the meal before beginning to eat. For the moment, they ate in silence. Hanzo had sensed that something was off with his brother, which soon raised concern.
     "Is there something wrong?" Hanzo questioned, "Did something happen?"
     "Well— no..." Genji paused, hesitating, "I've just been wondering... is it bad to have feelings for someone who has saved your life— and who has saved you from destroying yourself and has been there for you even when you're at your worst?" He asked quite suddenly. Hanzo blinked but soon shook his head, unaware of who Genji was describing.
     "Do not be so ridiculous, Genji, having feelings for  someone who has willingly stayed by your side and helped you get through the toughest of days is normal." He stated quite calmly, though, the slight nervous aura that Genji put off seemed to have increased.
      "I see...I guess you are right, perhaps I've been overthinking it." Genji made an attempt to pull it off, quickly finishing off the rest of his breakfast and washing up before heading to his room. Laying himself down upon his bed, he stared up at the ceiling.

((Bleh I'm really trying to come up with the ideas for these chapters so excuse me if it's bad))

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