"Okay! I'll go tell the guys what bikes we want."

As he is getting the bikes I walk around and look at all ofthe helmets they have. I decide to pick out helmets for me and Blaine. I grab a helmet that is black and has a dangerous symbol on it. You know, the hazardous symbol tht has three curves shaped into a design.The symbol was a really cool neon green which made the helmet look epic! Yeah, well I get that one for me. For Blaine, I grab him a black helmet that has red flame designs on it. Then in blue flames overlapping the red flames it says 'Rebel'. I think Blaine will like it.

I see Blaine walking towards me, so I say

"Do you like this one?".

Blaine says "Yeah! And I like the one you picked because I haven't seen you drive, but I know you will drive hazardous due to your motorcycle habits."

I say "Did you get the.."

But before I can finish Blaine says

"Bikes? Yeah!Come on"

Then he pulls me outside to where they were waiting at. He helps me put my helmet on because I was having trouble with the strap. Then he hands me a pair of gloves and says

"So you don't get blisters on your hands".

Then I get on my bike and kick start it with no problem. I rev up the engine a couple of times to make sure it stays running. I look over to see Blaine looking shocked. I guess he thought I would need help starting it. I say

"Close your mouth before you catch flies! Didn't I tell you that I had dirt bikes before?".

He just nods his head and gets on his bike. He asks me

"You wanna race?".

I nod my head yes and count down,




Then we both take off. I rode through the trails, going over jumps, with Blaine right on my tail. I won the race obviously.

After about an hour of racing, the sun started to go down. We took the bikes back and headed to Blaine's car. My stomache growled and I'm sure Blaine heard that because he started to laugh.

So far, this date was going amazing. Blaine is totally perfect. I kinda hope that I get a chance to have him as a second chance mate. I know that might not happen though. He could have a perfectly perfect other half out there someone. When that comes I will let them be together. I wouldn't try to keep him away from his mate because I, of all people, know how much it hurts to be away from your mate.

Blaine starts driving and I notice that we aren't going to my house. After about fifteen minutes of rocking out to different music, we pull up to....... DAVE AND BUSTERS!!!!! I have always wanted to go hear. I think I might have said that out loud because Blaine says


He leads me inside to a table and we order food. I get a cheeseburger and french fries with a chocolate milkshake. Blaine gets steak and green beans with a strawberry milkshake. That is such a weird combination.

All night I have felt like someone is watching me. It's like there are eyes boaring into the back of m head. I keep shaking off like it is nothing, so I don't ruin my date or worry Blaine.

After dinner is finished Blaine takes me to play some of the games. It is a really great night. My favorite game that we played was the basketball game. Dave and Busters is like a bigger version of Chucky Cheeses. Since I am all grown up, I kinda miss going there. Me and Blaine just talked about random stuff and had a good time.

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