Chapter Four: When It Counts

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Regardless of his reaction, I continued, "I never realized that I did until recently, but now I know that over the years and through our friendship, I've grown to like you a lot. I really don't want to ruin our friendship or what we have, but I needed to get this off my chest. So, there you have it. I like you."

He remained silent and it was killing me. Sure, he looked totally stunned but that told me nothing about he actually felt. For the first time ever in my life, I couldn't see how he felt through his beautiful blue eyes. For the first time ever in my life, his eyes weakened me in a way that actually hurt me.

"Please say something," I said, trying to disguise the hurt and desperation in my voice.

His voice croaked as he spoke. "I, uh, have to go to practice.."

He started getting up to leave and I glanced at the clock on his wall. Sure enough, it had been fifteen minutes already. I wanted to grab his hand and ask him to stay with me, to finish our conversation so I wouldn't be so confused inside, so we could figure this out together. But I obviously couldn't do those things to him after his odd reaction. And with that, he picked up his gym bag and left me there in his room, alone.


My brain wanted to explode out of my head. My heart wanted to burst out of my chest. My whole body wanted to not feel anymore. I was back at my house again and had spent the past thirty minutes trying to figure out what the hell happened at Dylan's place. My heart physically hurt and my eyes were filled to the brim with wet, heavy tears.

Why did I have to be so blunt and awkward?

Why was he so quiet?

Why couldn't I recognize how he felt?

What did he feel?

Why did he leave me al-

My thought process was shattered by a loud knock on the door, followed by the door opening. Hanna peeped her head in the door, clearly distracted by something outside my room.

"Hey Kay, Mom and Dad said they're gonna be coming home late so we can eat first on our own."

Her voice was sort of distant, due to whatever was happening outside my room. She was probably watching her favorite TV show, Grey's Anatomy. However, when she finally turned her head into my room, I heard her gasp. She had noticed the tears streaming relentlessly down my face.

"What's wrong Kaylee? What happened?" she asked, with a trace of worry in her voice.

"It's umm...a long story." I responded, as I realized that I hadn't even told my sister about my crush on Dylan, which I probably should've.

"I have time to listen. Now just tell me what happened."

The next hour flew by. I poured out my heart to my sister about Dylan - my feelings for him, how our friendship was like recently, and lastly, what happened today. She listened patiently the whole time without interrupting, but now, it was her turn to say something.

"Honestly, I think this will all blow over soon."

"What? You're not surprised that I like him or bothered by what he did?" I questioned, incredulously.

"You guys have been friends for almost your whole lives and I've gotten to see you guys grow up together. I knew you guys would fall for each other at some point or another. It always happens." she replied matter-of-factly. "As for what he did, sure it was a dick move, but I've known the kid since he was a baby till now. I think we both know that he's a good kid and there's more to this than what we see. Give him time and just talk to him some time at school. You guys will work things out, I guarantee."

I sighed. I knew my sister was right about most parts, but I wasn't so sure about it blowing over soon. That look in his eyes, unreadable and blank, was something I had never seen before and would not forget. There was something different about it, and that concerned me.

"I'm not sure it'll blow over too quickly, Hanna, but thank you so much for everything. This was such a big relief to get to talk it all out." I confessed. "I love you."

"I love you, too."

After we hugged it out, she gave me time to think and left me alone. Despite my sister being a huge help, I wanted to get an opinion from my best friend. It was time to call Bree.


As I listened to the soft hum of the dial tone, I wondered how she would respond to the whole thing. It had been her idea in the first place and she was so sure that things would've worked out. So how would she react when they didn't?

"Hey," I spoke into the phone as she picked up.

"Hey Kay! What's up?" she asked, clearly trying to mask her excitement. She knew I had gone to talk to Dylan this afternoon.

"Well, I got back from Dylan's house around an hour and a half ago," I stated.

"A whole hour and a half? And you waited this long to call me?!" she shrieked in utter disbelief. "So fill me in! How'd it go?"

"Umm...well we were talking and I brought up our very close friendship and then he interrupted and then I got fed up and just blurted out that I liked him and he was totally speechless and then he left me without saying much to go to practice!" I said breathlessly. The words just spilled out of my mouth as I rambled.

"He...he just left you there alone? After you practically spilled your heart to him? The nerve of that guy!!" she muttered angrily. "What an asshole! Who does he think he is, just leaving you there without even talking it out with you!!"

"I was pretty pissed off and hurt, but I've been thinking about it more. I did catch him completely by surprise and he did have to go to practice, so I can't really blame him for wanting to leave. In all honesty Bree, it's not that bad and I shouldn't be making him seem like the bad guy. I should've known that this could've gone either way. I'm not gonna sit here all day and throw myself a pity party. I've done enough of that and I just want to carry on like usual. We'll just see how things go at school."

"I understand what you're saying, but that doesn't mean that I won't still be pissed at him," she said with a laugh. "I'm so proud of you for being so nonchalant about this, considering how much you were freaking out about it in the first place. How can you be such a good person, Kaylee?"

"I'm not that good of a person, Bree," I confessed with a giggle. "I'm just tired of revolving so much around him. I've put too many expectations on him and that's not fair to either of us."

Bree sighed and then laughed slyly. "You know what? Forget about all of this. We're gonna make you look freaking hot for the kickback later on this week, so when he goes and sees you, he'll know what he screwed up and missed out on. Deal?"

"Deal," I replied with a smile. "I'll talk to you at school, Bree."

When I hung up the phone, I flopped onto my bed. As I laid there gazing at the ceiling, my thoughts flitted back to Dylan. What would happen at school on Monday? Would he still be distant and awkward? However, I quickly shoved the thoughts to the back of my mind. I really didn't need to burden myself with all this Dylan drama. With those thoughts out of my mind, I smiled to myself. No matter what ended up happening with Dylan, I had a sister and best friend who had my back through everything. And that was what really counted.


Hope you guys liked this chapter!! So much happened during all of this, oh my goodness!

What do you guys think of the whole Dylan and Kaylee situation at the beginning of this story?

What would you do if you were in Kaylee's place?

Why do you think Dylan is acting the way he is?

What'd you think of Hanna and Kaylee's little sister-sister moment?

If you enjoyed this chapter, don't forget to vote and stay tuned for the chapters to follow! :)

Things Left Unsaid | ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora