"Hey, this is as far as I can go," Percy rolled his eyes. "Get your own rock."

"Shut up," Artemis pushed him backwards as she sat on front, with Percy behind her. It was more comfortable than before.

"Genius," Percy muttered.

"Kelp Head," Artemis muttered back.

"Moon Beam,"

"Seaweed Brain,"

"Night Girl,"

"Water Boy,"

Percy threw his hands up in frustration. "Where do you find all these nicknames?"

Artemis laughed. "I've had my fair share of experience of nicknaming things with Apollo,"

"Why do all your insults on me relates to the sea? I'm not Poseidon, you know,"

Artemis shrugged. "I figured since men have no brains, they must have at least something in your head. Since your eyes reminds me of the sea, well, hence the sea-related nicknames."

"And here I thought your hatred towards men have gone," Percy rolled his eyes.

"Oh, I hate men, very much," Artemis said. "I just don't hate you,"

"Excuse me?"

Artemis blushed. She blurted out something that wasn't supposed to be blurted out. "Uh, nothing,"

"Come on, tell me," Percy urged.

"It's nothing," Artemis blushed furiously. "Just drop it."

Percy examined her face closer. "You're blushing," he noticed. Percy himself was blushing. He actually heard what Artemis just said; he just wanted her to say it again. It felt good to know that the man hater, Artemis, didn't hate him. "What's wrong?" He said, suppressing a grin.

"I told you, it's nothing!" She argued, but the blush was clearly evident. Percy restrained himself from laughing. He just shrugged.

"You look cute when you blush," Percy pinched her cheek a little in an adoring way. Then, it was his time to blush. What the fuck did he just do? Percy knew that both of them are really close, but that doesn't really mean that Percy get to do what he wants with Artemis, not that he had any bad intentions anyway. For any other males in the planet, being near her was bad enough, but touching her? You better hope that Death gets to you faster than Artemis.

To his surprise, Artemis blushed even further after Percy pinched her cheek. The moon got brighter and wilderness around them is starting to stir, but in a good way. They were sensing Artemis's elated emotion after receiving that kind of, um, thing from Percy. Artemis looked at Percy, and planned her way of revenge.

"Hey, you're blushing," Artemis teased. "Is something wrong?"

"Oh, uh, um, it's nothing," Percy said, his face getting redder by the second.

"Aw, you can tell me," Artemis pouted. Percy cursed himself silently for blushing furiously. Why is she so adorable that way?

"Nothing," Percy managed. "It's just that you're beautiful,"

Her plan of revenge failed. She didn't expect Percy to give her that compliment, because being the male that he is, Artemis expected Percy to fluster. While she was surprised, she was actually flattered with that compliment. Many people gave that kind of compliment to Artemis, but all of them are just because she was a goddess. If she wasn't a goddess, it would be to just be close to her. Since Percy's and Artemis's emotions are linked, Artemis could tell that Percy was being sincere.

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