Face Claim and Biography

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Madeline Jessen
Portrayed by
Julia Voth

- 5"6'

Hair color
- Dark Brown

Hair length
- around shoulder length

- Appears around late 20s early 30s

Eye color
- blue

- Nice, kind and caring at heart. At first she seems a little bratty but as soon as you get under her tough and sarcastic attitude she is a good person.

- three talons one each hand that come out between each knuckle. A talon on each elbow and Kneecap. Sharp long retractable toenails. All of which visible attributes can be used together or completely separate. Also has enhanced hearing and smell. A great tracker, and Hunter.

- all deceased

Family life
- didn't have a good family life. Her father wasn't a good man he ran around on her mother's back, mother and Dad were both deadbeat drunks. No siblings. She only had 2 friends but they ran away when she was about 7.

Relation to Howlette and Creed
- best friends. Creed was like a bug brother to her, and just as overprotective. Howlett was her crush when they lived right by Her, but he was always suck so if they all wanted to hang out together they had to stay in his room. Creed and Madeline would walk in the woods together and have adventures. They would climb up trees and race each other. They would procrastinate going to their respective homes because they both have similar home life's. And lived right beside each other.

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