chapter 15

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August and I walked out hand in hand. I was so happy we were on good terms again. I wanted to spend the whole day with him but he had to go to the studio so he dropped me off at Mercedes house.

Mercedes was outside giving Chris a kiss before he dropped laiani to preschool. Mercedes is like my sister, no she is my sister. we've know each other since middle school and I tell her everything. we resemble each other the only difference is she's light skin and I have Brown skin. her and Chris are the power couple, like jayz and beyonce before the elevator incident.

I walked up to her just as Chris pulled out the driveway. she was shocked to see me considering we haven't talked since the trey incident at my house.

"heyy girl! oh my god where have you been?"

Mercedes said hugging me

"everything has been crazy girl, can I come inside?"

I asked

Mercedes looked at me

"now when have you ever asked to barge into my house"

I laughed and walked in, we went to her mahogany table. I told her about August and I, I told her that I told him about the baby and trey.

"damn girl, but everything is straight now. I feel like our relationship will be stronger now."

I said while trying not to blush.


Mercedes looked at me with a sad face.

"what's wrong?"

I became very concerned because she rarely has bad news

"Nothing because Chris and I are getting MARRIED!!!!!"

she showed me the ring that I wasn't aware was on her hand.


I yelled so excited for my sister

"probably in two months, but tomorrow I'm going to need you to watch laiani"

Mercedes said

"OF COURSE I love laiani!!!!!"

I squealed

___________________________________(later that night)___________

I walked into the house and August was on the couch. I was trying to get to the bathroom because I had to pee, really bad.

"well hello to you too"

August said with a little attitude

"boy I got to go to the bathroom"

I went into the bathroom and closed the door. when I got out I looked at August.

"Hello August Anthony Alsina"

I leaned to give August a kiss and he ducked me.

"boy what the HELL" I started getting an attitude

August smirked and said

"you didn't wash your hands"

"boy you know what yes I did" I kicked off my heels and stomped out of the living room up the stairs.

August ran up behind me and picked me up bridal style, then he carried me into the bedroom...

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