chapter 11

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August and I get to the studio and I see plies. When I see him I know the song will be dirty because, well its plies. Him and August do some hand shake and then plies gives me a hug but his hand goes a little too low. I know august realizes it too because he gave plies a look and then put his arm around me..

"sorry mane, um nice girl you got there"

plies had an embarrassed look on his face.

"yeah I know"

august pulled me closed and pecked my cheek furiously

"OK I'll let you two get started"

I moved away from august and sat on the couch by the door.

when I finally turned my phone back on Mercedes and kaylas' texts came through.

[Mercedes: Hey lissy, Chris and laiani are at school all day for daddy/ daughter day. let's meet up?]

[Kayla: Alisha, Quan and I are going to china kingdom and are going to see ride along on may 18. I am letting your ass know in advance . bring august with you so I can judge....I mean meet him lmfao"

I continued reading texts from my mom, manager, and co-workers until I crossed a text from my doctor.

[doctor colllins: Alisha I have had my assistant call you for a week now and you haven't answered so I took the liberty to text you and inform you that you have an appointment may 16th @10:00am.]

I look at the clock and its 12:00! I looked into the booth and plies is still rapping so I sneak Augusts keys and slowly walk out of the studio. I get in the car but you can't hear it because the car has silent engine. I drive down the road and in no time I make it to Collins office. when I walk in he was walking out about to go to lunch.

"wait!" I said running to him

"Alisha, you're late'"

Collins said sighing

"I know I know I was in the studio with august"

"august?" Collins said "the one that got-"

"hush! shut up! we don't bring that up. can I just hurry and get this shot"

Doctor Collins made a face and brought me into the back room, my shorts were short enough for me to lift them up far enough for him to give me the shot. once Collins was done he told me I can have sex in 3 hours, that is quicker than I've ever been prescribed.

I saw it was only 12:16 so I went to McDonald's (I love McDonald's), the lines were long but I wanted a McChicken so I didn't care. It took 7 minutes for me to get my McChicken, McFlurry, and large fry. when I got to the studio I still heard music so I just slipped back into the room. August had his eyes closed and he was singing the hook.

[It's five o'clock in the morning

I'm turnt up and I'm horny

Don't act like you don't want it

Cause you're texting me like you want it

so come here and jump on it

on it

come here and jump on it

on it]

August and plies listened to the playback of the song and liked what they heard. August put his hand around my waist and told plies he'd see him later.

we got in the car and as soon as we got to the light august asked me.

"where did you just come from?"

I looked at august and asked

"how did you know I went anywhere?"

August pulled into the driveway and Parked then he turned facing me.

"well to start it smells like McDonalds, and the receipt is on the dashboard, then you butt dialed me around 12 and in the voicemail it was a man talkin about august got you and you stopped him. what did I give you"

I started to unbuckle my seat belt and began to get out of the car.

"I don't know what you're talking about"

august got out of the car and walked over to my side

" nah you do know and your gon' tell me"

I tried to grab the keys away from him but he lift them higher. the fact that I'm 5'4 and he's 6'4 I started getting aggrivated.


August grabbed my shoulders


tears started rolling down my face , I started feeling hot , and my throat felt like it was closing but I knew eventually I'd have to tell him so I looked up at him and said it.

"A Baby"

Kissing on my tattoos {BOOK 1}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن