Chapter one

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Cassadra Arizona Night's point of view

'You have cancer.' The words are ringing in my ear. It can't be, it just can't. My mom looks at me, her long pale fingers clinched into a fist.

‘Are you sure doctor?' I whisper, unwilling to believe him.

'I am afraid I am,' he says,' you have what we call CC – Colorectal Cancer.. It is a disease that is hard to fight, but we'll do our best to help you.'

‘Are you telling me that my daughter might die because of this? Do you mean to tell me that my eighteen year old is dying?' The doctor doesn't answer my mom in words, he just nods.

'We'll be trying a chemotherapy session to start off with, when this doesn't work, we'll get to other alternatives. The chance is indeed there that your beloved daughter will die, but it isn't necessary. She's young. You'll be amazed when she shows you how much of this she can fight.' My mother looks at him in shock, but believes him.

'We'll fight this demon, darling. You won't die. I won't let you.'

That is the earliest memory I have that involves my CC and I can't tell you why the thought of it is circling around in my head. That day is over a year ago. Today I have my seventh chemo of this series; it is a sort of therapy that is harder than normal, but I have to go through with it if I want to survive. The nurse helps me up and I sit on my bed, legs crossed waiting for the chemo, waiting for May. She's late; maybe her 'happy hour' lasts longer than planned. A new, young doctor walks in with an infuse filled with a transparent, yellow toned fluid in his hands.

'Hello. I am doctor Lights, a student. I have to give you your chemo today,' he says with a smile as if he likes being here. Who the hell will like giving someone things to make him or her sick? He is a doctor, which explains everything I guess.

'Good luck,' he says after he hangs the infuse up with the others and plugs it into my catheter.  Just before the first drip of chemo enters through my body, May, my beautiful best friend and girlfriend walks in; with her here, I feel like I can conquer the world, so happy hour can begin. She walks over to me, her mouth curled into a faint smile. I feel her soft hands on my shoulders as she moves her body on the bed and sits behind me. Feeling her hands on my arms and back feels nice. At least she knows how I feel.

'Happy hour is just over for me,' she whispers in my ear after she presses a kiss onto my almost bald head, 'it's your turn now. It'll be okay in the end, I promise.'

'I know,' I whisper. 'Have you dropped Danielle off at school?'

'Yes,' she murmurs softly, 'just before I got here. She told me, to tell you she loved you.'

'You've got a sweet kid,' I tell her, squeezing my eyes shut as I reach for the glass of water on the bed stand. Pain shoots through my veins.

'We've got a sweet kid,' she says, smiling. I can feel her warm breath on my skull. 'She sees you as her mother; she even asked me what's wrong with you, what makes you sick. My darling never asked that about her father, even though he is sick often. She loves you more than she ever loved him.'

'That's nice to hear. I'll spoil her later, when this shit is over.'

'Don't spoil her too much; I don't want her to become brad.'  I nod once. Cold water runs through my throat, sending a shiver through my spine. As soon as I feel the wave of nausea coming up I take the tub from next to me and put it on my upper legs. Vomit finds its way up and I threw up. It feels awful, like drinking hot chocolate when it is streaming hot, my throat felt like it is ripping apart. May holds the leftovers of my hair out of my face as the sour fluid keeps spilling out of my throat. How long can a single throw up session last?

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